Linfeng Sun

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Personal profile

Personal profile

Job title: Professor, doctoral supervisor; Chief Young Scientist of National Key Research and Development Program; National high-level young talents; Teli Young Scholar
Contact number:
Department: Condensed Matter Physics
Address: Liangxiang Campus, Beijing Institute of Technology, South District Building

Research Interests

It is mainly engaged in the physical property regulation of quantum functional materials (quantum two-dimensional materials, quantum topological materials, etc.) for memory and computing integrated devices and its application in brain-like computing devices, mainly including:
(1) Device design and preparation based on quantum functional materials/heterojunctions;
(2) Design and mechanism research based on various storage and computing integrated devices;
(3) Physical prototype design and development of artificial intelligence neural mimicry chips;
(4) Machine learning and application based on artificial neural network.


2011-2015 PhD, School of Mathematics and Physics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
(Won the National Outstanding Student Scholarship, and the first prize of the Poster Award of the Global Chinese Physical and Astronomical Society - American Physical Society Outstanding Conference)
2008-2010 Master of Science, Zhejiang University
(During the period won the international top lithography machine manufacturer ASML scholarship)

Professional Experience

2021-present Professor of Beijing Institute of Technology
(During the period won the 2021 China New Technology Figure)
2018-2021 Research Professor, Sungkyunkwan University
(During this period, he was awarded "Koryeo Scholar" in Korea)
2017-2018 Postdoctoral Fellow, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
2016-2017 Postdoctoral Fellow, Singapore University of Technology and Design

Research Achievement

I have been engaged in quantum functional material state control, device physics, and application in brain like computing devices for a long time, and have achieved a series of important innovative research results. For example, (1) the application of neural synaptic computing based on quantum semiconductor materials in human brain sound localization; (2) Design and development of a high-capacity information data storage array based on quantum functional material heterojunctions; (3) Calculation of sensor internal reserve pool based on quantum functional material defect engineering for intelligent language learning; (4) The advantages of quantum material based integrated storage and computing devices in handling complex optimization combination problems. So far, more than 50 SCI papers have been published in international high-level journals, among which the representative works of the first/corresponding author include: Science Advancements, Nature Communication, Physics Review Letters, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Energy, etc., and have been invited to be part of the Advanced Intelligent System, Nanotechnology, Chips, Write a review of well-known domestic and foreign journals such as the Journal of Physics. The paper has been cited more than 2800 times and has been granted 4 patents; And has given conference presentations at important academic conferences both domestically and internationally multiple times< br>

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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