Quasi-Zero-Dimensional Ferroelectric Polarization Charges-Coupled Resistance Switching with High-Current Density in Ultrascaled Semiconductors

Qi Sun, Xuefan Zhou, Xiaochi Liu, Yahua Yuan, Linfeng Sun, Ding Wang, Fei Xue*, Hang Luo*, Dou Zhang, Jian Sun*

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Ferroelectric memristors hold immense promise for advanced memory and neuromorphic computing. However, they face limitations due to low readout current density in conventional designs with low-conductive ferroelectric channels, especially at the nanoscale. Here, we report a ferroelectric-mediated memristor utilizing a 2D MoS2 nanoribbon channel with an ultrascaled cross-sectional area of <1000 nm2, defined by a ferroelectric BaTiO3 nanoribbon stacked on top. Strikingly, the Schottky barrier at the MoS2 contact can be effectively tuned by the charge transfers coupled with quasi-zero-dimensional polarization charges formed at the two ends of the nanoribbon, which results in distinctive resistance switching accompanied by multiple negative differential resistance showing the high-current density of >104 A/cm2. The associated space charges in BaTiO3 are minimized to ∼3.7% of the polarization charges, preserving nonvolatile polarization. This achievement establishes ferroelectric-mediated nanoscale semiconductor memristors with high readout current density as promising candidates for memory and highly energy-efficient in-memory computing applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)975-982
Number of pages8
JournalNano Letters
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jan 2024


  • Schottky barrier
  • ferroelectric
  • ferroelectric-coupled charge transfer
  • negative differential resistance
  • resistance switching


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Sun, Q., Zhou, X., Liu, X., Yuan, Y., Sun, L., Wang, D., Xue, F., Luo, H., Zhang, D., & Sun, J. (2024). Quasi-Zero-Dimensional Ferroelectric Polarization Charges-Coupled Resistance Switching with High-Current Density in Ultrascaled Semiconductors. Nano Letters, 24(3), 975-982. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04378