Junxi Duan

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Personal profile

Title: Special Associate Researcher
Contact number:
Department: Condensed Matter Physics
E-mail: junxi.duan (School email, @bit.edu.cn)
Address: B305, Liangxiang Campus Building

Research Interests

1. Preparation and processing of micro and nano devices of new low-dimensional and topological material systems, and development of various van der Waals transfer stacking technologies
2. (Extremely) low temperature electrical transport and variable temperature thermoelectric transport measurement, including modification of helium-4, helium-3, and dilution refrigeration systems and development of weak signal measurement experimental techniques
3. Explore and develop new micro-nano device control technology and measurement means


2009-09 to 2014-07, Ph.D., Condensed Matter Physics, Peking University, Supervisor: Shen Bo, GE Weikun
2013-02 to 2013-05, CQC2T Center Exchange, University of New South Wales, Australia, Tutor: S. Rogge
2004-09 to 2009-07, Peking University, Bachelor of Physics
2006-09 to 2009-07, Peking University, Bachelor of Mathematics (Double degree)

Professional Experience

2017-11 - Present, Beijing Institute of Technology, Special Associate Researcher
From September 2014 to September 2017, Postdoctoral Fellow, Rutgers (State of New Jersey) University, USA, Supervisor: Eva Y. Andrei, Mona Zebarjadi

Research Achievement

发表论文三十余篇,引用超过400次(google scholar)。
1. Yu Jian, Quansheng Wu, Meng Yang, Qi Feng, Junxi Duan*, Dongyun Chen, Qinsheng Wang, Wende Xiao, Youguo Shi, Oleg V Yazyev, Yugui Yao, “Transport signatures of temperature-induced chemical potential shift and Lifshitz transition in layered type-II Weyl semimetal TaIrTe4”, 2D Materials, 2021, 8(1), 015020
2. Ran Guan, Junxi Duan*, Aiheng Yuan, Zhuofan Wang, Shuai Yang, Luoqiao Han, Bo Zhang, Dejun Li, and Birong Luo*, “Chemical vapor deposition of clean and pure MoS2 crystals by the inhibition of MoO3−x intermediates”, CrystEngComm, 2021, 23, 146
3. Yahui Pang, Emad Rezaei, Dongyun Chen, Si Li, Yu Jian, Qinsheng Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Junxi Duan*, Mona Zebarjadi, Yugui Yao, “Thermoelectric properties of layered ternary telluride Nb3SiTe6”, Physical Review Materials, 2020, 4(9), 094205
4. Qinsheng Wang, Jingchuan Zheng, Yuan He, Jin Cao, Xin Liu, Maoyuan Wang, Junchao Ma, Jiawei Lai, Hong Lu, Shuang Jia, Dayu Yan, Youguo Shi, Junxi Duan, Junfeng Han, Wende Xiao, Jian-Hao Chen, Kai Sun, Yugui Yao, Dong Sun, “Robust edge photocurrent response on layered type II Weyl semimetal WTe 2”, Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1), 5736
5. Xiang Li, Dongyun Chen, Meiling Jin, Dashuai Ma, Yanfeng Ge, Jianping Sun, Wenhan Guo, Hao Sun, Junfeng Han, Wende Xiao, Junxi Duan, Qinsheng Wang, Cheng-Cheng Liu, Ruqiang Zou, Jinguang Cheng, Changqing Jin, Jianshi Zhou, John B. Goodenough, Jinlong Zhu, and Yugui Yao, “Pressure-induced phase transitions and superconductivity in a quasi–1-dimensional topological crystalline insulator α-Bi4Br4”, Proceeding of the National Academy of Science, 2019, 116(36), 17696-17700
6. Yuhang Jiang, Jinhai Mao, Junxi Duan, Xinyuan Lai, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and E. Y. Andrei, “Visualizing Strain-Induced Pseudomagnetic Fields in Graphene through an hBN Magnifying Glass”, Nano Lett. 2017, 17(5), 2839-2843
7. J. X. Duan, X. M. Wang, X. Y. Lai, G. H. Li, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Zerbajadi, and E. Y. Andrei, “High Thermoelectric Power Factor in Graphene/hBN Devices”, Proceeding of the National Academy of Science, 2016, 113 (50), 14272
8. S. Rangan, M. Kalyanikar, J. X. Duan, G. Liu, R. A. Bartynski, E. Y. Andrei, L. Feldman, E. Garfunkel, “Nanoscale Internal Fields in a Biased Graphene–Insulator–Semiconductor Structure”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. , 2016, 7 (17), 3434
9. J. X. Duan, N. Tang, X. He, Y. Yan, S. Zhang, X. D. Qin, X. Q. Wang, X. L. Yang, F. J. Xu, Y. H. Chen, W. K. Ge, and B. Shen, “Identification of Helicity-Dependent Photocurrents from Topological Surface States in Bi2Se3 Gated by Ionic Liquid”, Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 4889
10. J. X. Duan, N. Tang, J. D. Ye, F. H. Mei, K. L. Teo, Y. H. Chen, W. K. Ge, and B. Shen, “Anomalous circular photogalvanic effect of the spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas in Mg0.2Zn0.8O/ZnO heterostructures at room temperature”, Appl. Phys. Lett. , 2013, 102, 192405


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