Jiadong Zhou

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Job title: Professor; National high-level Young talents
Contact number:
Department: Condensed Matter Physics
E-mail: jdzhou@bit.edu.cn
Address: No. 5, Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing

Research Interests

He is mainly engaged in research on the preparation, properties and application of low-dimensional quantum and semiconductor materials, solving the preparation problems of quantum and semiconductor materials, and studying the properties of quantum and semiconductor, exploring the novel physical properties of ferromagnetic, ferroelectric, superconductivity, etc., to realize their applications in high-performance electronic devices and quantum fields. The specific research contents include the following aspects:
1. Preparation and properties of new quantum and semiconductor materials and their heterostructures;
2. High-performance electronic devices;
3. Research on novel physical properties;
4. Weak signal detection.


2014.08-2017.11 Nanyang Technological University Doctor
2010.09 -- 2013.07 Shanghai Institute of Silicate, Chinese Academy of Sciences Master
2005.09 -- 2009.07 College of Materials Science and Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology

Professional Experience

2020 to present, Beijing Institute of Technology

Research Achievement

In recent years, he has published more than 100 SCI papers, including 14 in the Nature series, including first/corresponding author papers Nature (2), Nat Mater (1), Nat Electronic (1), Nat Commun (2). Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, JACS, ACS Nano, etc. He has also made invited reports on important academic conferences at home and abroad for many times. Invited as a reviewer for a variety of international academic journals. At the same time, he served as the editorial board member of Chinese Chemical Letters, Rare Metals, Smartmat, Nano Research and other periodicals. Published papers:
1.Zhou JD*, Zhang WJ, Lin YC, Cao J, Zhou Y, Jiang W, Du HF, Tang BJ, Shi J, Jiang BY, Cao X, Lin B, Fu QD, Zhu C, Guo W, Huang YZ, Yao Y, Parkin SS, Zhou JH, Gao YF, Wang YL, Hou YL, Yao YG*, Suenaga K*, Wu XS*, Liu Z*. Heterodimensional superlattice with in-plane anomalous Hall effect. Nature, 2022, 609, 46-51.
2.Zhou JD*, Zhu C, Zhou Y, Dong JC, Li PL, Zhang ZW, Wang Z, Lin YC, Shi J, Zhang RW, Zheng YZ, Yu HM, Tang BJ, Liu FC, Wang L, Liu LW, Liu GB, Hu WD, Gao YF, Yang HT, Gao WB, Lu L, Wang YL*, Suenage K, Liu GT, Ding F, Yao YG*, Liu Z*. Composition and phase engineering of metal chalcogenides and phosphorous chalcogenides. Nature Materials. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-022-01291-5. < br > 3.Tang BJ, Wang XW, Han MJ, Xu XD, Zhang ZW, Zhu C, Cao X,Yang YM, Fu QD, Yang JQ, Li XJ, Gao WB, Zhou JD*, Lin JH*, Liu Z*. Phase engineering of Cr5Te8 with colossal anomalous Hall effect. Nat Electron 5, 224–232 (2022).
4.Song X, Liu LW, Chen YY, Yang H, Huang ZP, Hou BF, Hou YH, Han X, Yang HX, Zhang QZ, Zhang T, Zhou JD, Huang Y, Zhang Y, Gao HJ, Wang YH. Atomic-scale visualization of chiral charge density wave superlattices and their reversible switching. Nat Commun 13, 1843 (2022).
5.Wang P, Yang Y, Pan E, Liu FC*, Ajayan M P, Zhou JD*, Liu, Z *. Emerging Phases of Layered Metal Chalcogenides. < br > https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202105215
Before 2020
1.Zhou JD, Lin JH, Huang XW, Zhou Y, Chen Y, Xia J, et al. A library of atomically thin metal chalcogenides. Nature 2018, 556, 355-359.
2.Zhou JD, Liu FC, Lin JH, Huang XW, Xia J, Zhang BW, et al. Large-Area and High-Quality 2D Transition Metal Telluride. Adv Mater 2017, 29, 1063471. (Front Cover)
3.Zhou JD, Zeng QS, Lv DH, Sun LF, Niu L, Fu W, et al. Controlled Synthesis of High-Quality Mono layered alpha-In2Se3 via Physical Vapor Deposition. Nano Lett 2015, 15, 6400-6405.
4.Zhou JD, Lin JH, Liu Z, Zhou W. Synthesis of Co-doped MoS2 monolayer with enhanced valley splitting. Adv Mater 2020, 32, 1906536.
5.Zhu C#, Yu ML#, Zhou JD#, He YM, Deng Y, Guo SS, Sun LT , Wang L, Hu ZL, Zhang ZH, Guo WL, Liu Z. Strain-Driven Growth of Ultra-long Two-dimensional Nano-Channels.(Co-first author. Nat Commun 2020, 11, 772. (# Work together)
6.Zhou JD, Tang BJ, Lin JH, Lv DH, Shi J, Sun LF, et al. Morphology Engineering in Monolayer MoS2-WS2 Lateral Heterostructure. Adv Funct Mater, 2018, 28, 180158.
7.Zhou JD, Kong XH, Lin JH, Sun D, Ji W, Liu Z, et al. Epitaxial synthesis of monolayer PtSe2 single crystal on MoSe2 with strong interlayer coupling. ACS Nano 2019, 13, 10929-10938.
8.Li PL#, Cui J#, Zhou JD#*, Guo D, Zhao ZZ, Yi J, Fan J, Ji ZQ, Jing XN, Qu FM, Yang CL, Lu L, Lin JH*, Liu Z*, Liu GT*. Phase transition and superconductivity enhancement in Se-substituted MoTe2 thin films. Adv Mater 2019, 31, 1904641 (* Corresponding author)
9.Cui J#, Li PL#, Zhou JD#, Liu Z, Liu GT, et al. Transport evidence of asymmetric spin–orbit coupling in few-layer superconducting 1Td-MoTe2. Nat Commun, 2019, 10, 2044

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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