衡 成林

根据储存在 Pure 的刊物以及来自 Scopus 的引用文献数量计算




职称: 副教授
联系电话: 010-81383361,15010535024
学系: 凝聚态物理系
E-mail: hengcl@bit.edu.cn
通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南大街5号 北京理工大学物理学院,北京理工大学良乡校区理学楼A 315B(办公室); 实验室:北京理工大学良乡校区理学楼B 108室“半导体薄膜与器件实验室”




1997年9月 – 2000年6月 北京大学物理系 博士
1994年9月 – 1997年6月 江苏省苏州大学物理科学与技术学院 硕士
1990年9月 – 1994年6月 江苏省苏州大学物理系 学士


2017年9月-现在 北京理工大学物理学院,副教授
2008年12月-2017年8月 北京理工大学理学院(现物理学院)讲师
2006年2月-2008年4月 加拿大McMaster大学工程物理系 博士后
2003年3月-2005年7月 挪威奥斯陆大学物理系 博士后
2000年9月-2002年9月 新加坡-MIT联盟(新加坡国立大学电子工程系)博士后,2001年转为Research Fellow


1.首次观察到稀土掺杂氧化锌薄膜,高温退火后其紫外发光有数量级增强,成果发表在Optics Express, Results in Physics, Materials Letters, Journal of Alloys & Compounds, Journal of Luminescence,Optical Materials Express 等杂志,2017年获批国家自然基金面上项目资助;
2.首次报道了含锗(Ge)纳米晶MIS结构的电荷存储性能,发表在Applied Physics Letter (APL)上,分别被引用143次和56次;


1. L. Zhang, C. L. Heng, C. N. Zhao, W. Y. Su, Y. K. Gao, P. G. Yin, T. G. Finstad. On the structure and ultraviolet emission of terbium doped zinc oxide thin films on silicon after high temperature treatment [J]. Results in Physics 32, 2211(2022).
2. L. Zhang, C. L. Heng, X. Wang, W. Y. Su, T. G. Finstad. Synergistically enhanced ultraviolet emission of Yb doped ZnO films by using a capping of ultrathin Al and SiO2 microspheres. Opt Express, 21, 2022, 472497, 38167-38177.
3. C. L. Heng, C. N. Zhao, L. Zhang, W. Xiang, W. Y. Su, H.X. Yin, Y. K. Gao, P. G. Yin, T. G. Finstad, Effect of Yb doping on the structure and near band-edge emission of ZnO thin films on Si after high temperature annealing, J. Lumin. 222 (2020) 117153.
4. C. L. Heng, W. Xiang, W. Y. Su, Y. K. Gao, P. G. Yin, T. G. Finstad, Effect of Eu doping on the near band edge emission of Eu doped ZnO thin films after high temperature annealing, J. Lumin. 210, 363 (2019).
5. C. L. Heng, W. Xiang, W. Y. Su, H. C. Wu, Y. K. Gao, P. G. Yin and T. G. Finstad, “Strong near band edge emission of (Ce, Yb) co-doped ZnO thin films after high temperature annealing”, Opt. Mater. Express 7(8), 3041-3050 (2017).
6. C. L. Heng, T. Wang, W. Y. Su, H. C. Wu, M. C. Yang, L. G. Deng, P. G. Yin and T. G. Finstad, “Intense ultraviolet photoluminescent emission from Yb doped ZnO thin films after high temperature annealing”, J. Alloy Compd. 695, 2232-2237 (2017).
7. C. L. Heng, T. Wang, W. Y. Su, H. C. Wu, P. G. Yin and T. G. Finstad, "Down-conversion luminescence from (Ce, Yb) co-doped oxygen-rich silicon oxides", J. Appl. Phys. 119, 123105 (2016).
8. C. L. Heng, T. Wang, H. Li, J. J. Liu, J. W. Zhu, A. Ablimit, W. Y. Su, H. C. Wu, P. G. Yin and T. G. Finstad, "Strong enhancement of ultra-violet emission by Ce doping of ZnO sputtered films", Material Letters 162, 53 (2016).
9. H.-C. Wu, M. Abid, Y.-C. Wu, C. Ó. Coileáin, A. Syrlybekov, J. F. Han, C. L. Heng, H. J. Liu, M. Abid, I. Shvets, "Enhanced Shubnikov-de Hass Oscillation in Nitrogen-Doped Graphene", ACS Nano 9, 7207 (2015).
10. A. Syrlybekov, H.-C. Wu, O. Mauit, Y.-C. Wu, P. Maguire, A. Khalid, C. Ó Coileáin, L. Farrell, C. L. Heng, M. Abid, H. J. Liu, H.-Z. Zhang, I. V. Shvets, "Electrical-field-driven metal-insulator transition tuned with self-aligned atomic defects", Nanoscale 7, 14055 (2015).
11. Z. Han, X. H. Wang, C. L. Heng, Q. S. Han, S. F. Cai, J. Y. Li, C. Qi, W. Liang, R. Yang, and "C. Wang, "Synergistically enhanced photocatalytic and chemotherapeutic effects of aptamer-functionalized ZnO nanoparticles towards cancer cells", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015, 17, 21576. (IF: 4.49). (第一作者韩宙为本人硕士,通讯作者).
12. C.L. Heng, J. T. Li, W. Y. Su, P. G. Yin and T. G. Finstad, "The photoluminescence and structural properties of (Ce, Yb) co-doped silicon oxides after high temperature annealing, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 043101 (2015).
13. C. L. Heng, J. T. Li, W. Y. Su, Z. Han, P. G. Yin, T. G. Finstad, "The formation of Yb silicates and its luminescence in Yb heavily doped silicon oxides after high temperature annealing", Optical Materials 42 (2015) 17-23.
14. C.L. Heng, W.Y. Su, Q. W. Zhang, X. Q. Ren, P. G. Yin, H. P. Pan, S. D. Yao and T. G. Finstad, “The photoluminescence from (Eu, Yb) co-doped silicon-rich oxides, J. Luminescence 154, 339 (2014).
15. C. L. Heng, J.T. Li, Z. Han and P. G. Yin, “An Abnormal Photoluminescence Enhancement in (Eu, Yb) Co-doped SiO2 Thin Film”, Integrated Ferroelectrics, Vol. 151, 179-186, 2014.
16. C.L. Heng, Q. W. Zheng, X. Q. Ren, P.G. Yin, “The structural and PL properties of (Eu, Yb) co-doped Si-rich oxides, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 936 (2014) 207. (EI 收录)
17. Zhang Xiao, Yang Rong, Wang Chen, Heng Chenglin, “Cell Biocompatibility of Functionalized Graphene Oxide”, Acta Phys Chim Sin, 28 (06): 1520-1524 (2012).
18. Jing Li,Othman Zalloum,Tyler Roschuk, Chenglin Heng, Jacek Wojcik, and Peter Mascher, “ The formation of light emitting cerium silicates in cerium-doped silicon oxides’, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 011112 (2009).
19. C. L. Heng, E. Chelomentsev, Z. L. Peng, P. Mascher, and P. J. Simpson, "Photoluminescence and positron annihilation spectroscopy investigation on (Er, Ge) co-doped Si oxides deposited by magnetron sputtering", J. Appl. Phys. 105, 014312 (2009).
20. C.L. Heng, O. H. Y. Zalloum, E. Chelomentsev, J. Wojcik and P. Mascher, "The photoluminescence from Er-doped Si-rich Si oxides deposited by magnetron sputtering in an Ar or Ar+H2 plasma", J. Vacuum Science & Technology A,Vol. 27, 101-108, 2009.
21. C.L. Heng, O.H. Y. Zalloum, J. Wojcik T. Roschuk, and P. Mascher, "On the effects of double-step annealing processes to control light emission from Er-doped Si-rich Si oxide ", J. Appl. Phys. 103, 024309, 2008.
22. J. Mayandi, T.G. Finstad, C.L. Heng, S. Foss, H. Klette, ”Infrared electroluminescence from a Si MOS structure with Ge in the oxide", J. LUMINESCENCE, 127, 362-366, 2007.
23. C.L. Heng, O.H. Y. Zalloum, T. Roschuk, D. Blakie, J. Wojcik and P. Mascher, "Photoluminescence studies for an Er-doped Si-rich SiOx film: effects of annealing gas ambients and double-step processes", Electrochemistry and Solid-State Letters, Vol. 10, K20-K23, 2007.
24. C.L. Heng, Y.J. Li, J. Mayandi, T.G. Finstad, S. Jørgensen, A.E. Gunnæs, P. Storås, A. Olsen, ”A study on the precipitation of Ge-rich nano-particles in a luminescent (Er, Ge) co-doped SiO2 film sputtered with Ar+O2 plasma”, International journal of Nanoscience, vol. 5 (4-5) 493, 2006.
25. C.L. Heng, T.G. Finstad, P. Storås, A.E. Gunnæs, and Y.J. Li, ”Ge nanoparticle formation and photoluminescence in Er doped SiO2 films: influence of sputter gas and annealing”, Microelectronics Journal, vol. 36 (3-6) 531-535, 2005.
26. C.L. Heng, T.G. Finstad, P. Storås, A.E. Gunnæs, Y.J. Li and O. Nilsen, “Photoluminescence properties from Er-doped germanium rich SiO2 film”, APPL PHYS LETT 85 (19): 4475-4477 NOV 8, 2004.
27. C.L. Heng, and T.G. Finstad, “Electrical characteristics of a mental-insulator-semiconductor memory structure containing germanium nanocrystals”, PHYSICA E, Vol. 26 (1-4): 386-390, 2005.
28. C.L. Heng, Y.J. Liu, A.T.S. Wee, and T.G. Finstad, “The formation of Ge nanocrystals in a metal-insulator-semiconductor structure and its memory effect”, J Crystal Growth, 262 (1-4): 95-104, 2004.
29. C.L. Heng, W.W. Tjiu, and T.G. Finstad, “Charge storage effects in a metal-insulator-semiconductor structure containing germanium nanocrystals fabricated by rapid thermal annealing of an electron-beam evaporated germanium layer”, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, rapid communication, Vol. 78, 1181-1186, 2004.
30. Teo LW, Heng CL, Ho V, Tay M, Choi WK, Chim WK, Antoniadis DA, Fitzgerald EA, “Manipulation of Ge nanocrystals in a tri-layer insulator structure of a metal-insulator-semiconductor memory device”. MRS, Spring, 2002 San Francisco, CA, USA
31. L.W. Teo, W.K. Choi, W.K. Chim, V. Ho, M.S. Tay, C.L. Heng, Y. Lei, D.A. Antoniadis, and E.A. Fitzgerald, “Size control and charge storage mechanism of germanium nanocrystals in a metal-insulator-semiconductor structure”, APPL PHYS LETT 81 (19): 3639-3641 NOV 4 2002.
32. Choi WK, Chim WK, Heng CL, et al. ”Observation of memory effect in germanium nanocrystals embedded in an amorphous silicon oxide matrix of a metal-insulator-semiconductor structure”, APPL PHYS LETT 80 (11): 2014-2016 MAR 18 2002. (IF: 3.845)
33. Heng CL, Chen Y, Ma ZC, et al. “Electroluminescence from semitransparent Au film/SiO2/(amorphous-Si/SiO2) superlattice/p-Si structure”, J APPL PHYS 89 (10): 5682-5686 MAY 15 2001.
34. Heng CL, Sun YK, Wang ST, et al. ”Electroluminescence from semitransparent au film/nanometer SiO2/nanometer Si/nanometer SiO2/n(+)-Si structure under reverse bias”, APPL PHYS LETT 77 (10): 1416-1418 SEP 4 2000.
35. You LP, Heng CL, Ma SY, et al. ” Precipitation and crystallization of nanometer Si clusters in annealed Si-rich SiO2 films”, J CRYST GROWTH 212 (1-2): 109-114 APR 2000.
36. Qin GG, Heng CL, Bai GF, et al. ”Electroluminescence from Au/(nanoscale Ge/nanoscale SiO2) superlattices/p-Si”, APPL PHYS LETT 75 (23): 3629-3631 DEC 6 1999.


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  • 可持续发展目标 3 - 良好健康与福祉


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