Preparation and characterization of core-shell Al@PFHP with improving the combustion and ignition properties of aluminum powder

Lichen Zhang, Shuo Wang, Xing Su, Xiaodong Li*, Meishuai Zou*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Citations (Scopus)


The dense alumina shell on the surface of aluminum powder will hinder the combustion of aluminum powder and increase its ignition temperature. In this study, the aluminum oxide shell layer on the surface of aluminum powder was removed with hydrofluoric acid by one-pot method, and 3-Perfluorohexyl-1, 2-epoxypropane (PFHP) (F3C(CF2)5CH2C2H3O) was coated to form a uniform and controllable core-shell Al@PFHP. The core-shell Al@PFHP showed better thermal reaction and ignition performance. The exothermic enthalpy of Al@0.15 PFHP was increased by about 1.9 times, with lower ignition temperature (reduced by about 140 °C) and longer burning duration (increased by about 1.5 times) after coating with PFHP, compared with raw aluminum powder. In addition, the formation of PFHP coating shell can effectively improve the hydrophobicity and corrosion resistance of aluminum powder.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)62-70
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023


  • 2-Epoxypropane
  • 3-Perfluorohexyl-1
  • Aluminum powder
  • Combustion
  • Core-shell


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