LegoDNN: Block-grained scaling of deep neural networks for mobile vision

Rui Han, Qinglong Zhang, Chi Harold Liu, Guoren Wang, Jian Tang, Lydia Y. Chen

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

33 Citations (Scopus)


Deep neural networks (DNNs) have become ubiquitous techniques in mobile and embedded systems for applications such as image/object recognition and classification. The trend of executing multiple DNNs simultaneously exacerbate the existing limitations of meeting stringent latency/accuracy requirements on resource constrained mobile devices. The prior art sheds light on exploring the accuracy-resource tradeoff by scaling the model sizes in accordance to resource dynamics. However, such model scaling approaches face to imminent challenges: (i) large space exploration of model sizes, and (ii) prohibitively long training time for different model combinations. In this paper, we present LegoDNN, a lightweight, block-grained scaling solution for running multi-DNN workloads in mobile vision systems. LegoDNN guarantees short model training times by only extracting and training a small number of common blocks (e.g. 5 in VGG and 8 in ResNet) in a DNN. At run-Time, LegoDNN optimally combines the descendant models of these blocks to maximize accuracy under specific resources and latency constraints, while reducing switching overhead via smart block-level scaling of the DNN. We implement LegoDNN in TensorFlow Lite and extensively evaluate it against state-of-The-Art techniques (FLOP scaling, knowledge distillation and model compression) using a set of 12 popular DNN models. Evaluation results show that LegoDNN provides 1,296x to 279,936x more options in model sizes without increasing training time, thus achieving as much as 31.74% improvement in inference accuracy and 71.07% reduction in scaling energy consumptions.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Event27th ACM Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking, MobiCom 2021 - New Orleans, United States
Duration: 25 Oct 202129 Oct 2021


Conference27th ACM Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking, MobiCom 2021
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityNew Orleans


  • block-grained scaling
  • mobile vision
  • neural networks


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Han, R., Zhang, Q., Liu, C. H., Wang, G., Tang, J., & Chen, L. Y. (2021). LegoDNN: Block-grained scaling of deep neural networks for mobile vision. 406-419. Paper presented at 27th ACM Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking, MobiCom 2021, New Orleans, United States.