Discharge reliability in ablative pulsed plasma thrusters

Zhiwen Wu*, Guorui Sun, Shiyue Yuan, Tiankun Huang, Xiangyang Liu, Kan Xie, Ningfei Wang

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26 Citations (Scopus)


Discharge reliability is typically neglected in low-ignition-cycle ablative pulsed plasma thrusters (APPTs). In this study, the discharge reliability of an APPT is assessed analytically and experimentally. The goals of this study are to better understand the ignition characteristics and to assess the accuracy of the analytical method. For each of six sets of operating conditions, 500 tests of a parallel-plate APPT with a coaxial semiconductor spark plug are conducted. The discharge voltage and current are measured with a high-voltage probe and a Rogowski coil, respectively, to determine whether the discharge is successful. Generally, the discharge success rate increases as the discharge voltage increases, and it decreases as the electrode gap and the number of ignitions increases. The theoretical analysis and the experimental results are reasonably consistent. This approach provides a reference for designing APPTs and improving their stability.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8-14
Number of pages7
JournalActa Astronautica
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2017


  • Ablative pulsed plasma thruster
  • Discharge reliability
  • Ignition characteristics


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