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Personal profile

Personal profile

Discipline: Aerospace Science and Technology
Tel: 010-68913623
Address: School of Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology /n Title: Professor
Mail box:
Postcode: 100081

Research Interests

1, solid ramjet engine; Solid gas generator
2. Pulsed plasma propulsion; Inspiratory electric propulsion; Ionic liquid electric injection thruster; New propulsion unit


2001.09 ~ 2007.03, Major of Power Machinery and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Doctor;
1997.09 ~ 2001.07, Majoring in Thermal Power Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Bachelor;

Professional Experience

2007.05 ~ 2008.06, Lecturer, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing;
2008.07 ~ 2009.11, Postdoctoral Fellow, Lund University, Sweden;
2009.12 ~ 2012.06, Lecturer, School of Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology;
2012.07 ~ 2018.06, Associate Professor, School of Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology;
2018.07 ~ now, Professor, School of Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology;
2016.07-present Deputy Dean of School of Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology.

Research Achievement

1. Won one special prize of the 14th Education and Teaching Achievement Award of Beijing Institute of Technology (ranked 3rd);
2, Awarded the Beijing Institute of Technology graduate excellent dissertation advisor twice;
3, the first national aerospace undergraduate graduation design Competition second prize instructor;
4. 2019 Beijing Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Advisor.


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