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Personal profile

Wang Zhuoran
Associate Professor, Master's/Doctoral Supervisor
Office Tel: 010-6891XXXX
Office Location: Room 326, Frontier Crossing Building

Personal Profile:
Wang Zhuoran, professor/doctoral supervisor, School of Integrated Circuits and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, national young talent, Beijing Institute of Technology "Special Young Scholar", European Union "Marie Curie Scholar". 9 years overseas experience, ICFO Independent Research Fellow/postdoctoral Fellow (under Fresel Prize winner Gerasimos Konstantatos), McGill University, Canada (QS ranked 31st in the world), With multi-disciplinary professional background in materials engineering (PhD), physical electronics (Master) and Optoelectronic Information Engineering (Bachelor), he has hosted the National Natural Science Foundation, hosted/participated in a number of European Union ERC and Canadian NSERC research projects, and served as the young editorial board member of the journal Nano-Micro Letters. Guest editor, Electronics.
Educational Background:
2013/09-2017/08, School of Materials Engineering, McGill University, Canada, PhD
2010/09-2013/03, School of Optics and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Master
2011/01-2012/12, China European Institute of Clean and Renewable Energy, ParisTech, France, Master
2006/09-2010/06, School of Optoelectronics Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, BA
Work Background:
2022/ -Present, Associate Professor, School of Integrated Circuits and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology
2019/07-2022/, Postdoctoral Fellow/Marie Curie Scholar, Spanish Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO)
2017/09-2019/07, Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Materials Engineering, McGill University, Canada

Research Interests

Nano-optoelectronic Sensing and Energy Devices
(1) Low dimensional infrared detector
(2) Flexible photoelectric sensor
(3) New concept thin-film photovoltaic devices
The research group is based on the Institute of Flexible Electronic Devices and Intelligent Manufacturing of Beijing Institute of Technology, located in the Frontier Cross Building of Liangxiang Campus 323-327, with sufficient scientific research funds and experimental space, and enrolling 1-2 post-doctoral students and 1-2 doctoral students with relevant background in photoelectric detection, image sensing and thin film photovoltaic every year. 2-3 master students and 2-3 undergraduate students with backgrounds in microelectronics, information, optoelectronics, physics, materials and other disciplines are cordially invited to join young scholars and students who are interested in scientific research, and support/recommend exchange/further study in overseas partner universities.


Personal Profile:
Wang Zhuoran, professor/doctoral supervisor, School of Integrated Circuits and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, national young talent, Beijing Institute of Technology "Special Young Scholar", European Union "Marie Curie Scholar". 9 years overseas experience, ICFO Independent Research Fellow/postdoctoral Fellow (under Fresel Prize winner Gerasimos Konstantatos), McGill University, Canada (QS ranked 31st in the world), With multi-disciplinary professional background in materials engineering (PhD), physical electronics (Master) and Optoelectronic Information Engineering (Bachelor), he has hosted the National Natural Science Foundation, hosted/participated in a number of European Union ERC and Canadian NSERC research projects, and served as the young editorial board member of the journal Nano-Micro Letters. Guest editor, Electronics.
Educational Background:
2013/09-2017/08, School of Materials Engineering, McGill University, Canada, PhD
2010/09-2013/03, School of Optics and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Master
2011/01-2012/12, China European Institute of Clean and Renewable Energy, ParisTech, France, Master
2006/09-2010/06, School of Optoelectronics Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, BA
Work Background:
2022/ -Present, Associate Professor, School of Integrated Circuits and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology
2019/07-2022/, Postdoctoral Fellow/Marie Curie Scholar, Spanish Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO)
2017/09-2019/07, Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Materials Engineering, McGill University, Canada

Professional Experience

Personal Profile:
Wang Zhuoran, professor/doctoral supervisor, School of Integrated Circuits and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, national young talent, Beijing Institute of Technology "Special Young Scholar", European Union "Marie Curie Scholar". 9 years overseas experience, ICFO Independent Research Fellow/postdoctoral Fellow (under Fresel Prize winner Gerasimos Konstantatos), McGill University, Canada (QS ranked 31st in the world), With multi-disciplinary professional background in materials engineering (PhD), physical electronics (Master) and Optoelectronic Information Engineering (Bachelor), he has hosted the National Natural Science Foundation, hosted/participated in a number of European Union ERC and Canadian NSERC research projects, and served as the young editorial board member of the journal Nano-Micro Letters. Guest editor, Electronics.
Educational Background:
2013/09-2017/08, School of Materials Engineering, McGill University, Canada, PhD
2010/09-2013/03, School of Optics and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Master
2011/01-2012/12, China European Institute of Clean and Renewable Energy, ParisTech, France, Master
2006/09-2010/06, School of Optoelectronics Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, BA
Work Background:
2022/ -Present, Associate Professor, School of Integrated Circuits and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology
2019/07-2022/, Postdoctoral Fellow/Marie Curie Scholar, Spanish Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO)
2017/09-2019/07, Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Materials Engineering, McGill University, Canada

Research Achievement

2023 National Young Talent
2022 Beijing Institute of Technology "Special Young Scholars"
2020 European Union "Marie-Curie Individual Fellowships"
2023 Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao University Students IC and Electronic Design Invitational "Excellent Guidance Award"
2014 Self-funded Scholarship for Students from Xinjiang
2013 McGill University MEDA Doctoral Fellowship in Engineering
2012 National Scholarship for Graduate Students

Focusing on the research work of multi-dimensional nano-optoelectronic energy and sensor components, covering the whole system of nanomanufacturing, device construction, interface engineering, and has made original achievements in the direction of new structure ultra-thin photovoltaic and three-dimensional nano-photodetector components. Host/participate in a number of national and international projects, including: host the National Natural Science Foundation project, the European Union Marie Curie Scholars Fund project; The head of the sub-project participated in the high-end foreign education project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and participated in the European Research Council Consolidator Grants project; Participated in two NSERC strategic cooperation projects in Canada (2017-2019 with Hydro Quebec); He has published more than 30 SCI academic papers, with a total of more than 1400 citations, and wrote chapters for the English monograph "Flexible Electronics: From Materials to Devices".

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action


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