Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

√ Doctoral Supervisor √ Master's Supervisor
Colleges and Majors
College of Machinery and Vehicle Engineering
Office Address
Beijing Institute of Technology Vehicle Laboratory Building 415B
post 100081
Office Phone
By mail

Research Interests

[1] Wei Z, Hu J, He H, Yu Y, and Marco J. Embedded distributed temperature sensing enabled multi-state joint observation of smart lithium-ion battery. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022.
[2] Wei Z, Yang X, Li Y, He H, Li W, Sauer DU. Machine learning-based fast charging of lithium-ion battery by perceiving and regulating internal microscopic states. Energy Storage Materials. 2023;56:62-75.
[3] Wei Z, He H, Pou J, Tsui K-L, Quan Z, Li Y. Signal-Disturbance Interfacing Elimination for Unbiased Model Parameter Identification of Lithium-Ion Battery. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2021.
[4] Wei Z, Zhao J, He H, Ding G, Cui H, Liu L, Future smart battery and management: Advanced sensing from external to embedded multi-dimensional measurement. Journal of Power Sources. 2021.
[5] Wei Z, Zhao D, He H, Cao W, Dong G. A noise-tolerant model parameterization method for lithium-ion battery management system. Applied Energy. 2020; 268:114932.
[1] 国自然联合基金重点项目:传感-结构一体化智能电池设计方法及其高安全长耐久管控
[2] 科技部重点研发计划青年科学家项目:储能电池全寿命周期大数据和人工智能分析技术
[3] 国自然面上项目:低温环境车用动力电池多维耦合机理建模与调温协同充电策略
[4] 国家外国文教专家项目:车用动力电池低温多域输运机理建模与主动安全控制
[5] 国防科工局基础产品创新项目(课题):******用燃料电池适应性设计方法与验证研究
[6] 国家重点研发计划重点专项(子课题):本征安全金属硫基储能电池的研制


Personal Profile:
Wei Zhongbao, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Machinery and Vehicle, Beijing Institute of Technology, was selected as a National high-level Young talent, the World's Most cited Scientist, and Elsevier China's most Cited Scholar. He is mainly engaged in the management and control research of new energy vehicles, batteries and fuel cells. He has published more than 100 academic papers, been cited more than 6,000 times, authorized more than 20 patents, and compiled 1 textbook. He presided over a number of national projects and topics such as the key project of the National Nature Joint Fund, the Young Scientist Project of the Key Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Nature Surface project, and the basic product innovation research project of GF Science and Technology Bureau. The related research achievements won the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of the Innovation Technology Award of the Chinese Simulation Society, the third prize of the Science and Technology Award of China Machinery Industry, and the best paper award of top journals and conferences. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification and other vehicles, electrical, transportation field of the top academic journals deputy editor, and 7 well-known international academic journals guest editor.
Education and Research Background:
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Bachelor/Master of Engineering
Nanyang Technological University, PhD, Tutor Tseng King Jet
Institute of Energy Research, Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N), Research Fellow
Professor/Doctoral Supervisor, School of Machinery and Vehicle, Beijing Institute of Technology
Research Direction:
New energy vehicles, Battery management, fuel cell system control, artificial intelligence theory and application, energy system integrated control.

Professional Experience

Personal Profile:
Wei Zhongbao, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Machinery and Vehicle, Beijing Institute of Technology, was selected as a National high-level Young talent, the World's Most cited Scientist, and Elsevier China's most Cited Scholar. He is mainly engaged in the management and control research of new energy vehicles, batteries and fuel cells. He has published more than 100 academic papers, been cited more than 6,000 times, authorized more than 20 patents, and compiled 1 textbook. He presided over a number of national projects and topics such as the key project of the National Nature Joint Fund, the Young Scientist Project of the Key Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Nature Surface project, and the basic product innovation research project of GF Science and Technology Bureau. The related research achievements won the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of the Innovation Technology Award of the Chinese Simulation Society, the third prize of the Science and Technology Award of China Machinery Industry, and the best paper award of top journals and conferences. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification and other vehicles, electrical, transportation field of the top academic journals deputy editor, and 7 well-known international academic journals guest editor.
Education and Research Background:
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Bachelor/Master of Engineering
Nanyang Technological University, PhD, Tutor Tseng King Jet
Institute of Energy Research, Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N), Research Fellow
Professor/Doctoral Supervisor, School of Machinery and Vehicle, Beijing Institute of Technology
Research Direction:
New energy vehicles, Battery management, fuel cell system control, artificial intelligence theory and application, energy system integrated control.

Research Achievement

[1] IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IF: 9.551) 副主编
[2] IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (IF: 8.162) 副主编
[3] IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (IF: 6.519) 副主编
[4] IET Renewable Power Generation (IF: 3.034) 副主编
[5] IET Intelligent Transport Systems (IF: 2.568) 副主编
[6] 担任编委/客座编辑:Energy (IF: 8.857)、IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (IF: 5.462)、Control Engineering Practice (IF: 4.057)
[7] IEEE高级会员,中国内燃机学会燃料电池发动机分会副主任理事,等

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action
  • SDG 14 - Life Below Water


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