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Personal profile

Personal profile

He is currently the secretary of the Party branch of the Department of Materials Processing, the responsible professor of electronic packaging technology, and the member of the Expert Committee of the National Defense Science and Technology Industry Component Packaging Technology Innovation Center. He has successively won the honorary titles of Beijing Excellent undergraduate thesis Advisor, Beijing Institute of Technology Outstanding Communist Party member, Sanyu Advanced Individual, and excellent class teacher. He taught undergraduate courses such as "Introduction to Electronic Manufacturing Engineering", "Principle of Microconnection", "Electronic Packaging Technology" and "Foundation of Welding Engineering". He has presided over and participated in dozens of scientific research works such as basic scientific research of Science and Industry Bureau, national science and technology support, final assembly pre-research, final assembly pre-research fund and aerospace innovation Fund, published more than 100 SCI and EI papers in domestic and foreign academic journals, obtained more than 10 national invention patents, and won the second prize of China's industry-university-research cooperation innovation achievements.

Research Interests

1. Research on electronic packaging interconnect materials;
2. Advanced electronic packaging technology and reliability research;
3. Preparation and application research of micro and nano materials;
4. Study on the preparation and properties of new alloys.

Research Achievement

[1]Electromagnetic wave absorption performance and electrochemical properties of multifunctional materials:Air@Co@Co3Sn2@SnO2 hollow sphere/reduced graphene oxide composites[J]. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021,420:130479
[2]A first-principles computation-driven mechanism study on the solders dilute doping effects to η’-Cu6Sn5 growth kinetics[J]. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2021,56:9741–9753
[3] Effects of endogenous Al and Zn phases on mechanical properties of Sn58Bi eutectic alloy[J]. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION,2021,175:111089
[4]Effects of minor alloying with Ge and In on the interfacial microstructure between Zn-Sn solder alloy and Cu substrate[J]. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2020,831:154812
[5]Improvement of microstructure and tensile properties of Sn-Bi-Ag alloy by heterogeneous nucleation of beta-Sn on Ag3Sn[J]. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A,2020,785:139372
[6]Facile synthesis of RGO/Co@Fe@Cu hollow nanospheres with efficient broadband electromagnetic wave absorption[J]. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019,372:1-11
[7]Facile, Large-Scale, and Expeditious Synthesis of Hollow Co and Co@Fe Nanostructures: Application for Electromagnetic Wave Absorption[J]. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017,121:8557-8568
[8]Vertically porous nickel thin film supported Mn3O4 for enhanced energy storage performance[J]. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2016,483:17-25
[9]Effect of nano-Fe2O3 additions on wettability and interfacial intermetallic growth of low-Ag content Sn-Ag-Cu solders on Cu substrates[J]. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2015, 627:39-47

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action


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