Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

He taught undergraduate courses such as Semiconductor Physics and Fundamentals of Integrated Circuit Design, and published more than 10 SCI papers.

Research Interests

1. Material Simulation and Design based on First principles 2. Preparation and Characterization of non-metallic materials


2002.09-2006.07, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Ph. D, Materials Physics and Chemistry
2000.09-2002.07, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Master, Materials Physics and Chemistry
1996.09-2000.07, Department of Materials Science, Jilin University, Bachelor, Materials Science and Engineering

Professional Experience

2013.12-present, School of Materials, Beijing Institute of Technology, Lecturer
2011.11-2013.05, Assistant Researcher, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
2009.01-2011.08, Assistant Researcher, University of Louvain, Belgium
2006.11-2009.01, Postdoctoral Fellow, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Italy


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