H2 impact on combustion kinetics, soot formation, and NOx emission of hydrocarbon fuel flames

M. Zuhaib Akram*, Fanhua Ma, Muhammad Aziz, Yangbo Deng, Han Wu

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Citations (Scopus)


Soot and carbon dioxide released from internal combustion engines became the key issues when using fossil fuels. The use of zero-carbon fuel, hydrogen, with hydrocarbon fuels can play an important role in reducing the exhaust effect on the environment and mitigating the reliance on nonrenewable energy resources. A numerical approach was executed to elucidate the H2 impact on combustion kinetics, soot formation, and NOx emission of hydrocarbon fuel under premixed and diffusion flame conditions. The results showed that hydrogen deteriorated the formations of particle number density, the volume fraction of soot, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons thru the reduction of small chain hydrocarbons at both premixed and diffusion flame conditions. The soot volume fraction and soot particle number density formation were prevailing in the air region of the combustion chamber at diffusion flame conditions. NO3 produced from fuel-related species such as C–H–O and air-related species such as N–O. H2 reduced the peak molar fraction of small chain HC including C–H–O related species, resulting in a reduction in NO3 emissions. C3H3 species dominantly participated to reduce the CO2 and NO3 emissions, while C2H2 and C5H4CH2 were the main species to control the soot precursors formation in both HC fuel flames. Besides, NH3 emission was limited by C2H2 in DS flames.

Original languageEnglish
Article number127321
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2023


  • Diesel surrogates
  • Gasoline surrogates
  • Hydrogen
  • NOx
  • PAH
  • Soot


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