Design and stability analysis of a wall-climbing robot using propulsive force of propeller

Peng Liang, Xueshan Gao*, Qingfang Zhang, Rui Gao, Mingkang Li, Yuxin Xu, Wei Zhu

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28 Citations (Scopus)


This article introduces a wall-climbing robot that uses the reverse thrust of the propeller as the adsorption force. The robot is symmetrically distributed in structure and the adsorption force is symmetrically distributed before and after so that it can adapt to the surface of a variety of different media materials and achieve stable adsorption and movement of a variety of wall surfaces. The robot mainly uses the reverse thrust of the aircraft propeller as the adsorption force to achieve wall adsorption. The robot relies on four wheels to move forward. The forward power mainly comes from the combined action of the propeller reverse thrust component and the front wheel driving force. During the movement of the robot, the steering is realized by the front wheel differential control. In this paper, we design the structure of a dual-propeller dynamic adsorption wall mobile robot, plan the movement process of the robot from the ground to the wall, analyze the stable adsorption conditions of the robot wall, and carry out the robot’s motion performance and adaptability test under different ground/wall environments to verify that the robot is stable and feasible.

Original languageEnglish
Article number37
Pages (from-to)1-12
Number of pages12
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2021


  • Adhesion system
  • Propeller
  • Wall-climbing robot
  • Wheel


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