Comparative study of dynamic programming and pontryagin's minimum principle on energy management for a parallel hybrid electric vehicle

Zou Yuan*, Liu Teng, Sun Fengchun, Huei Peng

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225 Citations (Scopus)


This paper compares two optimal energy management methods for parallel hybrid electric vehicles using an Automatic Manual Transmission (AMT). A control-oriented model of the powertrain and vehicle dynamics is built first. The energy management is formulated as a typical optimal control problem to trade off the fuel consumption and gear shifting frequency under admissible constraints. The Dynamic Programming (DP) and Pontryagin's Minimum Principle (PMP) are applied to obtain the optimal solutions. Tuning with the appropriate co-states, the PMP solution is found to be very close to that from DP. The solution for the gear shifting in PMP has an algebraic expression associated with the vehicular velocity and can be implemented more efficiently in the control algorithm. The computation time of PMP is significantly less than DP.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2305-2318
Number of pages14
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2013


  • Dynamic programming
  • Gear shifting strategy
  • Hybrid electric vehicles
  • Pontryagin's minimum principle


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