冯 泽心

  • 1313
  • 17
根据储存在 Pure 的刊物以及来自 Scopus 的引用文献数量计算

Research activity per year: undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined,




冯泽心,男,2016年7月受聘为特别副研究员(预聘助理教授),2018年受聘为博导。主要研究方向包括光学工程的前沿代表性方向—自由曲面光学以及深度融合应用数学、光传输物理机制以及高性能计算的计算光学。主持或参与国家重点研发计划(子课题分项负责人)、国家自然科学基金青年基金(负责人), 国家重大科研仪器研制项目(参与)等项目。在Optics Letters、Optics Express等著名光学期刊上发表多篇论文, 获较多引用与关注, 并多次受邀参加OSA、SPIE会议并作特邀报告。主讲过的课程包括: 大学物理AII(2017、2018年秋季学期)、复变函数与积分变换(2017年秋季学期)。目前指导在校博士生1名,硕士生5名。中国人工智能学会智能交互专业委员会委员、美国光学学会高级会员。

冯泽心,男,2016年7月受聘为特别副研究员(预聘助理教授),2018年受聘为博导。主要研究方向包括光学工程的前沿代表性方向—自由曲面光学以及深度融合应用数学、光传输物理机制以及高性能计算的计算光学。主持或参与国家重点研发计划(子课题分项负责人)、国家自然科学基金青年基金(负责人), 国家重大科研仪器研制项目(参与)等项目。在Optics Letters、Optics Express等著名光学期刊上发表多篇论文, 获较多引用与关注, 并多次受邀参加OSA、SPIE会议并作特邀报告。主讲过的课程包括: 大学物理AII(2017、2018年秋季学期)、复变函数与积分变换(2017年秋季学期)。目前指导在校博士生1名,硕士生5名。中国人工智能学会智能交互专业委员会委员、美国光学学会高级会员。


1. 自由曲面光学;
2. 计算光学;
3. 光学中的反问题;
4. 激光光束整形
5. 半导体照明


2007.9-2012.6 工学博士, 清华大学电子工程系, 电子科学与技术专业, 中国北京.
2002.9-2006.7 理学学士, 电子科技大学物理电子学院, 应用物理专业, 中国成都


2016.7-目前 青年骨干教师特别副研究员, 博导, 北京理工大学光电学院, 光学工程专业, 中国北京.
2014.4-2016.4 博士后, 亚利桑那大学光科学学院, 光学工程专业, 美国图森.
2012.7-2014.3 博士后, 清华大学精密仪器系, 光学工程专业, 中国北京


01. Zexin Feng, Dewen Cheng, and Yongtian Wang, "Transferring freeform lens design into phase retrieval through intermediate irradiance transport," Optics Letters 44, 5501-5504 (2019). (SCI, IF=3.714)
02. Zexin Feng, Dewen Cheng, and Yongtian Wang, "Iterative wavefront tailoring to simplify freeform optical design for prescribed irradiance," Optics Letters 44, 2274-2277 (2019). (SCI, IF=3.714)
03. Rengmao Wu, Zexin Feng, Zhenrong Zheng, Rongguang Liang, Pablo Benítez, Juan C Miñano, and Fabian Duerr, "Design of Freeform Illumination Optics," Laser & Photonics Reviews 12, 1700310 (2018). (SCI, IF=9.056)
04. Zexin Feng, Lei Huang, and Mali Gong, "Focal-plane irradiance tailoring using the concept of Woofer-Tweeter deformable mirrors," Optics Express 22, 8871-8879 (2014). (SCI, IF=3.488)
05. Zexin Feng, Lei Huang, Guofan Jin and Mali Gong, "Designing double freeform optical surfaces for controlling both irradiance and wavefront," Optics Express 21, 28693-28701 (2013). (SCI, IF=3.525)
06. Zexin Feng, Lei Huang, Mali Gong, and Guofan Jin, "Beam shaping system design using double freeform optical surfaces," Optics Express 21, 14728-14735 (2013). (SCI, IF=3.525)
07. Zexin Feng, Yi Luo, and Yanjun Han, "Design of LED freeform optical system for road lighting with high luminance/illuminance ratio," Optics Express 18, 22020-22031 (2010). (SCI, IF=3.753)
08. Yi Luo, Zexin Feng, Yanjun Han, and Hongtao Li, "Design of compact and smooth free-form optical system with uniform illuminance for LED source," Optics Express 18, 9055-9063 (2010). (SCI, IF=3.753)
09. Zexin Feng and Lei Huang, "Over compensation algorithm for laser beam shaping using a deformable freeform mirror," Optik 198, 163250 (2019). (SCI, IF=1.914)
10. Zexin Feng, Brittany D. Froese, Rongguang Liang, Dewen Cheng, and Yongtian Wang, "Simplified freeform optics design for complicated laser beam shaping," Applied Optics 56, 9308-9314 (2017). (SCI, IF=1.791)
11. Zexin Feng, Brittany D. Froese, and Rongguang Liang, "Freeform illumination lens construction following an optimal transport map," Applied Optics 55, 4301-4306 (2016). (SCI, IF=1.650)
12. Zexin Feng, Brittany D. Froese, and Rongguang Liang, "Composite method for precise freeform optical beam shaping," Applied Optics 54, 9364–9369 (2015). (SCI, IF=1.598)
13. Zexin Feng, Brittany D. Froese, Chih-Yu Huang, Donglin Ma, and Rongguang Liang, "Creating unconventional geometric beams with large depth of field using double freeform-surface optics," Applied Optics 54, 6277-6281 (2015). (SCI, IF=1.598)
14. Donglin Ma, Zexin Feng, and Rongguang Liang, "Tailoring freeform illumination optics in a double-pole coordinate system," Applied Optics 54, 2395-2399 (2015). (SCI, IF=1.598)
15. Donglin Ma, Zexin Feng, and Rongguang Liang, "Deconvolution method in designing freeform lens array for structured light illumination," Applied Optics 54, 1114-1117 (2015). (SCI, IF=1.598)
16. Donglin Ma, Zexin Feng, and Rongguang Liang, "Freeform illumination lens design using composite ray mapping," Applied Optics 54, 498-503 (2015). ({Reported by Laser Focus World}) (SCI, IF=1.598)
17. Zexin Feng, Dewen Cheng and Yongtian Wang, "Freeform road lighting lens design," Proceedings of SPIE 10693, Illumination Optics V, 106930E (2018). (EI, Invited Paper)
18. Zexin Feng, Dewen Cheng, Yongtian Wang, "Freeform lens design for laser diode beam shaping," Proceedings of SPIE 10815, Optical Design and Testing VIII, 108150K (2018). (EI, Invited Paper)


2015 年,联合国成员国同意 17 项可持续发展目标 (SDG),以消除贫困、保护地球并确保全人类的繁荣。此人的工作有助于实现下列可持续发展目标:

  • 可持续发展目标 7 - 经济适用的清洁能源


深入其中 Zexin Feng 为活跃的研究主题。这些主题标签来自此人的成果。它们共同形成唯一的指纹。
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