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Personal profile

Personal profile

Gender: Male
Title: Permanent Associate Professor/Special Researcher
Education: Doctoral student
Discipline: Optical Engineering
Research interests: Freeform Optics, Computational Optics, inverse Problems in Optics
Feng Zexin, male, was appointed as a special Associate researcher (pre-appointed Assistant Professor) in July 2016, and was appointed as a doctoral supervisor in 2018. His main research interests include the representative direction of the forefront of optical engineering - free-form surface optics and computational optics for deep fusion applied mathematics, physical mechanisms of optical transport and high performance computing. Presided over or participated in the national key research and development program (person in charge of sub-projects), National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund (person in charge), national major scientific research instrument development project (participation) and other projects. He has published a number of papers in famous optical journals such as Optics Letters and Optics Express, which have received more citations and attention, and has been invited to attend OSA and SPIE conferences for many times and made invited presentations. The courses he has taught include: University Physics AII (Fall semester 2017, 2018), complex functions and integral transformations (Fall semester 2017). At present, there are 1 doctoral students and 5 master students in the school. Member of Intelligent Interaction Professional Committee of China Artificial Intelligence Society, senior member of Optical Society of America.

Feng Zexin, male, was appointed as a special Associate researcher (pre-appointed Assistant Professor) in July 2016, and was appointed as a doctoral supervisor in 2018. His main research interests include the representative direction of the forefront of optical engineering - free-form surface optics and computational optics for deep fusion applied mathematics, physical mechanisms of optical transport and high performance computing. Presided over or participated in the national key research and development program (person in charge of sub-projects), National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund (person in charge), national major scientific research instrument development project (participation) and other projects. He has published a number of papers in famous optical journals such as Optics Letters and Optics Express, which have received more citations and attention, and has been invited to attend OSA and SPIE conferences for many times and made invited presentations. The courses he has taught include: University Physics AII (Fall semester 2017, 2018), complex functions and integral transformations (Fall semester 2017). At present, there are 1 doctoral students and 5 master students in the school. Member of Intelligent Interaction Professional Committee of China Artificial Intelligence Society, senior member of Optical Society of America.
Lab website:
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Research Interests

1. Free-form surface optics;
2. Computational optics;
3. Inverse problems in optics;
4. Laser beam shaping
5. Semiconductor lighting


2007.9-2012.6 Doctor of Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2002.9-2006.7 Bachelor of Science, School of Physics and Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Applied Physics, Chengdu, China

Professional Experience

2016.7-Present Special Associate Researcher, doctoral Supervisor, Optical Engineering, School of Optoelectronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China.
2014/4-2016.4 Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Major in Optical Engineering, Tucson, USA
2012.7-2014.3 Post-doctoral, Department of Precision Instrumentation, Tsinghua University, Optical Engineering, Beijing, China

Research Achievement

01. Zexin Feng, Dewen Cheng, and Yongtian Wang, "Transferring freeform lens design into phase retrieval through intermediate irradiance transport," Optics Letters 44, 5501-5504 (2019). (SCI, IF=3.714)
02. Zexin Feng, Dewen Cheng, and Yongtian Wang, "Iterative wavefront tailoring to simplify freeform optical design for prescribed irradiance," Optics Letters 44, 2274-2277 (2019). (SCI, IF=3.714)
03. Rengmao Wu, Zexin Feng, Zhenrong Zheng, Rongguang Liang, Pablo Benítez, Juan C Miñano, and Fabian Duerr, "Design of Freeform Illumination Optics," Laser & Photonics Reviews 12, 1700310 (2018). (SCI, IF=9.056)
04. Zexin Feng, Lei Huang, and Mali Gong, "Focal-plane irradiance tailoring using the concept of Woofer-Tweeter deformable mirrors," Optics Express 22, 8871-8879 (2014). (SCI, IF=3.488)
05. Zexin Feng, Lei Huang, Guofan Jin and Mali Gong, "Designing double freeform optical surfaces for controlling both irradiance and wavefront," Optics Express 21, 28693-28701 (2013). (SCI, IF=3.525)
06. Zexin Feng, Lei Huang, Mali Gong, and Guofan Jin, "Beam shaping system design using double freeform optical surfaces," Optics Express 21, 14728-14735 (2013). (SCI, IF=3.525)
07. Zexin Feng, Yi Luo, and Yanjun Han, "Design of LED freeform optical system for road lighting with high luminance/illuminance ratio," Optics Express 18, 22020-22031 (2010). (SCI, IF=3.753)
08. Yi Luo, Zexin Feng, Yanjun Han, and Hongtao Li, "Design of compact and smooth free-form optical system with uniform illuminance for LED source," Optics Express 18, 9055-9063 (2010). (SCI, IF=3.753)
09. Zexin Feng and Lei Huang, "Over compensation algorithm for laser beam shaping using a deformable freeform mirror," Optik 198, 163250 (2019). (SCI, IF=1.914)
10. Zexin Feng, Brittany D. Froese, Rongguang Liang, Dewen Cheng, and Yongtian Wang, "Simplified freeform optics design for complicated laser beam shaping," Applied Optics 56, 9308-9314 (2017). (SCI, IF=1.791)
11. Zexin Feng, Brittany D. Froese, and Rongguang Liang, "Freeform illumination lens construction following an optimal transport map," Applied Optics 55, 4301-4306 (2016). (SCI, IF=1.650)
12. Zexin Feng, Brittany D. Froese, and Rongguang Liang, "Composite method for precise freeform optical beam shaping," Applied Optics 54, 9364–9369 (2015). (SCI, IF=1.598)
13. Zexin Feng, Brittany D. Froese, Chih-Yu Huang, Donglin Ma, and Rongguang Liang, "Creating unconventional geometric beams with large depth of field using double freeform-surface optics," Applied Optics 54, 6277-6281 (2015). (SCI, IF=1.598)
14. Donglin Ma, Zexin Feng, and Rongguang Liang, "Tailoring freeform illumination optics in a double-pole coordinate system," Applied Optics 54, 2395-2399 (2015). (SCI, IF=1.598)
15. Donglin Ma, Zexin Feng, and Rongguang Liang, "Deconvolution method in designing freeform lens array for structured light illumination," Applied Optics 54, 1114-1117 (2015). (SCI, IF=1.598)
16. Donglin Ma, Zexin Feng, and Rongguang Liang, "Freeform illumination lens design using composite ray mapping," Applied Optics 54, 498-503 (2015). ({Reported by Laser Focus World}) (SCI, IF=1.598)
17. Zexin Feng, Dewen Cheng and Yongtian Wang, "Freeform road lighting lens design," Proceedings of SPIE 10693, Illumination Optics V, 106930E (2018). (EI, Invited Paper)
18. Zexin Feng, Dewen Cheng, Yongtian Wang, "Freeform lens design for laser diode beam shaping," Proceedings of SPIE 10815, Optical Design and Testing VIII, 108150K (2018). (EI, Invited Paper)

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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