根据储存在 Pure 的刊物以及来自 Scopus 的引用文献数量计算




1. 功能高分子材料的合成和应用
2. 纳米水凝胶“人工抗体”材料
3. 化学传感器
4. 色谱分析、分离技术


2003.09—2006.10 日本福井大学,材料科学专业,工学博士
1999.09 —2002.03 北京理工大学,化学工程与技术,工学硕士
1991.09 —1995.07 内蒙古工业大学,化学工程与技术,工学学士


2016.07 —至今 北京理工大学化学与化工学院,副教授
2020.01 —2020.08 美国加州大学尔湾分校,访问学者
2007.03 —2016.07 北京理工大学化学与化工学院,讲师
2012.02 —2012.08 美国加州大学尔湾分校,访问学者
1995.07 —1999.09 内蒙古工业大学,讲师


主持国家自然科学基金项目 1 项、承担企业合作项目 8 项;参与国家自然科学基金项目等 5 项。迄今在国内外学术刊物及会议上发表学术论文 50 余篇,其中 SCI 收录 40 篇, EI 收录 10 篇。
1. Songtao Liu, Qi Li, Jiaxin Wang, Xingyu Wang, Nyv Mbola, Zihui Meng, Min Xue*. Double-network Hydrogel Based Photonic Crystals Sensor for Mechanical Force Naked Eye Sensing and Its Application in Medical Compressive or Stretchy Instruments. 2023.
2. Qi Li, Songtao Liu, Nyv Mondele Mbola, Kenneth J. Shea, Zihui Meng, Xiao Dong, Min Xue*. Responsive hydrogel-based three-dimensional photonic crystal sensor for lactic acid detection[J]. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2022, 414(26):7695-7704.
3. Yiyun Wang, Youwei Xu, Zhonghui Zheng, Min Xue*, Zihui Meng*, Zhibin Xu, Jiarong Li, Qing Lin. Studies on the Crystal Forms of Istradefylline: Structure, Solubility, and Dissolution Profile[J]. Crystals. 2022, 12(7), 917
4. Zhe Wang, Wei Wang, Zihui Meng, Min Xue*. Mono-Sized Anion-Exchange Magnetic Microspheres for Protein Adsorption. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23(9), 4963 5. Qi Li, Songtao Liu, Jialun Wang, Nyv Mondele Mbola, Zihui Meng, Xingyu Wang, Min Xue*. A biocompatible, self-adhesive, and stretchable photonic crystal sensor for underwater motion detection[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2022, 10(23): 9025-9034.
6. 李泳升, 刘松涛, 王星雨, 孟子晖, 薛敏*. 光子晶体传感器的制备及对Ni(II)的检测[J]. 分析仪器, 2022(06):70-76.
7. 薛敏*, 李琪, 王家伦, 王星雨. 机械力致变色光子晶体材料研究进展[J].包装工程,2021,42(10):44-53.DOI:10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2021.10.008.
8. 王家伦, 张洪宝, 刘春竹, 李航, 孟子晖, 薛敏*. 六硝基六氮杂异伍兹烷的粒度控制生产工艺[J].含能材料,2021,29(04):285-292.
9. Zhe Wang, Zihui Meng, Min Xue*, Herong Zhang, Kenneth J. Shea, Lingling Kang. Detection of lysozyme in body fluid based on two-dimensional colloidal crystal sensor[J]. Microchemical Journal, 2020, 157:105073.
10. 程福强, 吉田田, 薛敏*, 孟子晖, 吴玉凯. 巯基改性SBA-15的制备及其对Cr6+的吸附[J]. 无机材料学报, 2020, 35(2): 193-198.
11. 侯雅琦, 沈敬尧, 易达, 王哲, 康玲玲, 孟子晖, 薛敏*. 异丙基丙烯酰胺水凝胶纳米微球粒径的控制及其对多肽吸附的影响[J]. 化工学报, 2020, 71(S2): 267-272.
12. 张禾蓉, 易达, 孟子晖, 薛敏*, 汪海林, 冯金生. 基于纳米水凝胶颗粒的毛细管电泳法分离DNA[J]. 分析化学, 2019,05:772-778.
13. Zhe Wang, ZihuiMeng*, Kenneth J Shea, Min Xue*, et al. Assembly of Nano Hydrogel Colloidal Array for the Sensing of Humidity, RSC Advances, 2018,8:9963-9969
14.王哲, 薛敏, 孟子晖, 吉田田, 谢腾升. 水凝胶纳米颗粒对溶菌酶的亲和研究[J].分析化学,2018,03:317-323
15. Jian Wang, Zihui Meng, Min Xue*, Lili Qiu, Chenfan Zhang. Separation of 1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetraazacyclooctane and 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazacyclohexane by Molecularly Imprinted Solid Phase Extraction[J]. Journal of Separation Science. 2017, 40, 1201-1208
16. Jian Wang, Zihui Meng, Min Xue*, Lili Qiu, Xiao Dong, Zhibin Xu, Xuan He, Xueyong Liu, Jinshan Li. Simultaneous Selective Extraction of Nitramine Explosives Using Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Hollow Spheres from Post Blast Samples,New Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 41(3)1129-1136
17. Wei Chen, Kenneth J. Shea, Min Xue*, Lili Qiu, Yunhe Lan & Zihui Meng ,Self-assembly of the polymer brush-grafted silica colloidal array for recognition of proteins, Anal Bioanal Chem, 2017(409): 5319-5326
18. Wei Lu, Sanford A. Asher, Zihui Meng, Zequn Yan, Min Xue*. Visual detection of 2,4,6-trinitrotolune by molecularly imprinted colloidal array photonic crystal[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials.2016,316:87-93.
19. Fei Xue, Zihui Meng, Fenglian Qi, Min Xue*, Lili Qiu. Preparation of free-standing two-dimensional colloidal crystal arrays[J]. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2016:479-482.
20. Xiaoqin Ma, Zihui Meng, Lili Qiu, Jing Chen, Yushu Guo, Da Yi, Tiantian Ji, Hua Ji, Min Xue*. Solanesol extraction from tobacco leaves by Flash chromatography based on molecularly imprinted polymers[J]. Journal of Chromatography B, 2016, 1020:1-5.
21. Jian Wang, Min Xue*, Zihui Meng, Zhibin Xu, and Jun Luo. Application of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Solid-Phase Extraction of Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane (CL-20) from Soil Samples[J]. Analytical Methods, 2016, 22(8): 4413-4420.
22. Lili Qiu, Yuling Li, Zhe Wang, Min Xue*, Zhibin Xu, Zihui Meng, Xiaoqin Ma, Da Yi, and Zhihui Lin. Investigation of the Solubility of 3, 4‐Diaminofurazan (DAF) and 3, 3′‐Diamino‐4, 4′‐azoxyfurazan (DAAF) at Temperatures Between 293.15 K and 313.15 K[J]. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2016.41:775-777.
23. Jian Wang, Xiao Dong, Min Xue*, Xuemin Dong, Zhibin Xu, Zihui Meng and Jun Luol. Understanding the relationships between molecule structure and imprinting effect of two acetyl-nitrogen heterocyclic compounds[J]. Journal of molecular recognition, 2016, 29(6): 260-265.
24. 贾华, 尹瑞林, 钟旭, 薛敏*, 赵瑜, 孟子晖, 汪群杰. 分子印迹复合膜对降糖药的拉曼光谱快速检测[J]. 高等学校化学学报, 2016, 2:239-245
25. Wei Lu, Min Xue*, Zhibin Xu, Xiao Dong, Fei Xue, Fengyan Wang, Qiuhong Wang an Zihui Meng, Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for the Sensing of Explosives and Chemical Warfare Agents, Current Organic Chemistry, 2015, 19(1), 62-71
26. 董学敏, 薛敏*, 孟子晖. 高效液相色谱法检测多硝基金刚烷, 含能材料, 2015, 23(5): 450-453.
27. Min Xue* , Zhi Lv , Jing Chen , Xuemin Dong , Zihui Meng, Xiao Dong , Dongxiang Zhang , Ying Wu , Shikuan Jiang & Min Li. Analysis of L-Quebrachitol from the Waste Water of Rubber Latex Serum Using Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography and Evaporative Light Scattering Detector Method[J]. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2015, 38(1): 92-96.
28. Fengyan Wang, Zuogang Zhu, Min Xue*,, Fei Xue, Qiuhong Wang, Zihui Meng,Wei Lu, Wei Chen, Fenglian Qi, Zequn Yan. Cellulose photonic crystal film sensor for alcohols[J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 220: 222-226.
29. Min Xue*, Jingyao Shen, Dan Wang, Lei Yin, Xiaolei Zhuang and Zihui Meng. Determination of trichlorfon in samples of spicy vegetables using a molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction technique[J]. Analytical Methods, 2015, 7(6): 2420-2424.
30. Wei Chen, Min Xue*, FeiXue, XiangrongMu, ZhibinXu, ZihuiMeng, Guangxian Zhu, KennethJ.Shea. Molecularly imprinted hollow spheres for the solid phase extraction of estrogens[J]. Talanta, 2015, 140: 68-72.
31. Min Xue*, Siyu Wu, Wenjin Liu, Qiao Zhu, Zihui Meng, Zhihui Lin. Solubility of 3, 7-Dinitro-1, 3, 5, 7-tetraazabicyclo [3.3. 1] Nonane in Ethanenitrile, Methanol, 1, 1-Dichloroethane, Dimethyl Sulfoxide, Acetone, and Mixed Solvents[J]. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2015, 60(6): 1683-1687.
32. 齐丰莲, 薛敏*, 薛飞, 孟子晖, 邱丽莉, 徐志斌, 芦薇. 二维胶体晶体异质结构的制备及传感性[J]. 高等学校化学学报, 2015, 36(8): 1612-1618.
33. 齐丰莲, 徐玉东, 孟子晖, 薛敏*, 徐志斌, 邱丽莉, 崔可建. 葫芦脲在色谱固定相中的研究进展[J]. 色谱, 2015, 33(11): 1134-1139.
34. Xue, Fei; Asher, Sanford A.; Meng, Zihui; Wang, Fengyan; Lu, Wei; Xue, Min*; Qi, Fenglian. Two-dimensional colloidal crystal heterostructures. RSC Advances, 2015, 24(5): 18939-18944.
35. Wei Chen, Min Xue*, Kenneth J. Shea, Zihui Meng, Zequn Yan, Zhe Wang, Fei Xue,Feng Qu. Molecularly imprinted hollow sphere array for the sensing of proteins[J]. Journal of biophotonics, 2014: 1-8.
36. Lu,Wei; Li,Haiyang; Meng,Zihui; Liang,Xixi; Xue,Min*; Wang, Qiuhong; Dong, Xiao.Detection of nitrobenzene compounds in surface water by ion mobility spectrometry coupled with molecularly imprinted polymers. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, (280): 588-594.
37. Fei Xue, Zihui Meng, Fengyan Wang, Qiuhong Wang, Min Xue* and Zhibin Xu. A 2-D photonic crystal hydrogel for selective sensing of glucose [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2(25):9559-9565.
38. Chen Wei, Lei Wen, Xue Min*, Zihui Meng. Protein recognition by a surface imprinted colloidal array [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2(20): 7165-7169.
1. 薛敏, 李泳升, 孟子晖, 程福强.一种氨气检测材料及其制备方法及一种氨气鉴定管, CN 113860391 B
2. 薛敏, 李琪, 孟子晖. 一种粘性光子晶体水凝胶传感器及其制备方法及应用,CN 114149544 B
3. 薛敏, 牛璠, 孟子晖, 张佳杰. 一种分子印迹聚合物提取烟碱的方法,CN202111388886.8


2015 年,联合国成员国同意 17 项可持续发展目标 (SDG),以消除贫困、保护地球并确保全人类的繁荣。此人的工作有助于实现下列可持续发展目标:

  • 可持续发展目标 3 - 良好健康与福祉
  • 可持续发展目标 7 - 经济适用的清洁能源
  • 可持续发展目标 16 - 和平、正义和强大机构


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