This is MATE: A Multiple scAttering correcTion rEtrieval algorithm for accurate lidar profiling of seawater optical properties

Yatong Chen, Xiaoyu Cui, Qiuling Gu, Yudi Zhou, Hongkai Zhao, Han Zhang, Shizhe Ma, Peituo Xu, Henrich Frielinghaus, Lan Wu, Chong Liu, Wenbo Sun, Suhui Yang, Miao Hu, Qun Liu*, Dong Liu

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Lidar has the capability to measure seawater vertical optical properties efficiently both day-time and night-time, though accurate retrieval is still challenging due to multiple scattering. Herein, we propose a Multiple scAttering correcTion and rEtrieval (MATE) algorithm suitable for shipborne, airborne and spaceborne lidars. The MATE algorithm provides the synchronous depth-resolved absorption, backscattering and diffuse attenuation coefficients of seawater. A good consistency was obtained between retrieved results and the in situ data with a root mean square relative difference (RSMRD) of 6.36% for diffuse attenuation coefficient, corresponding to an improvement of 2 times over methods that neglect multiple scattering. These results indicate that the MATE algorithm has valuable application potential in the quantitative evaluation of marine biological parameters.

Original languageEnglish
Article number114166
JournalRemote Sensing of Environment
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2024


  • Field experiments and validation
  • Multiple scattering
  • Oceanic lidar
  • Retrieval model
  • Seawater optical properties
  • Vertical distribution


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