Synthetic sparse planar array design for two-dimensional DOA estimation

Xiangnan Li, Weijiang Wang, Xiaohua Wang, Shiwei Ren*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Array motion can efficiently enhance the achievable number of degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) by the virtue of filling the holes in the difference co-array. In this paper, the concept of synthetic array based on array motion is extended to two dimensional cases. A new structured sparse planar array on a moving platform named as Synthetic Augmented Cross Array (SACA) is proposed. The proposed array yields a co-array with much larger virtual uniform rectangular array in it. Closed-form expressions of DOFs with different moving trails are also delineated. Then by further improving the DOFs of SACA, a series of generalized configurations named as Improved Synthetic Augmented Cross Array (ISACA) are proposed. With the same number of sensors, it can achieve larger DOFs than SACA. Numerical results are provided for performance comparison and validations of analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103268
JournalDigital Signal Processing: A Review Journal
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2022


  • Array design
  • Array motion
  • DOA estimation
  • Difference co-array
  • Sparse planar array


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