Segmentation of computed tomography images and high-precision reconstruction of rubber composite structure based on deep learning

Heng Yang, Wen Feng Wang, Jia Chen Shang, Pan Ding Wang*, Hongshuai Lei*, Hao sen Chen*, Dai Ning Fang

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23 Citations (Scopus)


The internal fiber structure of composites determined via X-ray micro-computed tomography (μ-CT) is a key factor affecting their properties. However, the low resolution and blurred fiber-matrix interfaces of the μ-CT images obtained for large composite structures as well as the different grayscale distributions caused by the uneven thicknesses of their complex shapes considerably reduce the accuracy of the reconstructed model. Meanwhile, the relatively long scanning time of μ-CT limits the usability of this technique for in-situ loading tests. Therefore, in this study, an image segmentation method based on U-net convolution neural network is applied to the segmentation of μ-CT image of fabric rubber composite to realize the high-precision reconstruction of its internal fabric structure. This approach effectively minimizes the image noise caused by fast scanning and reduces the scanning time by 80%. The accuracy of the reconstructed model and the high efficiency of the developed method are verified through finite element analysis. Hence, the described μ-CT image processing method enables high-precision reconstruction of fiber-reinforced composites and provides a significant reduction in the μ-CT scanning time.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108875
JournalComposites Science and Technology
Publication statusPublished - 8 Sept 2021


  • Finite element analysis
  • Mechanical properties
  • Reconstruction method
  • Structural composites
  • X-ray computed tomography


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Yang, H., Wang, W. F., Shang, J. C., Wang, P. D., Lei, H., Chen, H. S., & Fang, D. N. (2021). Segmentation of computed tomography images and high-precision reconstruction of rubber composite structure based on deep learning. Composites Science and Technology, 213, Article 108875.