Robust Fabrication of Hybrid Lead-Free Perovskite Pellets for Stable X-ray Detectors with Low Detection Limit

Shujie Tie, Wei Zhao, Deyu Xin, Min Zhang, Jidong Long, Qi Chen, Xiaojia Zheng*, Jianguo Zhu*, Wen Hua Zhang*

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X-ray detectors are widely utilized in medical diagnostics and nondestructive product inspection. Halide perovskites are recently demonstrated as excellent candidates for direct X-ray detection. However, it is still challenging to obtain high quality perovskites with millimeter-thick over a large area for high performance, stable X-ray detectors. Here, methylammonium bismuth iodide (MA3Bi2I9) polycrystalline pellets (PPs) are developed by a robust, cost effective, and scalable cold isostatic-pressing for fabricating X-ray detectors with low limit of detection (LoD) and superior operational stability. The MA3Bi2I9-PPs possess a high resistivity of 2.28 × 1011 Ω cm and low dark carrier concentration of ≈107 cm−3, and balanced mobility of ≈2 cm2 V−1 s−1 for electrons and holes. These merits enable a sensitivity of 563 μC Gyair−1 cm−2, a detection efficiency of 28.8%, and an LoD of 9.3 nGyair s−1 for MA3Bi2I9-PPs detectors, and the LoD is much lower than the dose rate required for X-ray diagnostics used currently (5.5 μGyair s−1). In addition, the MA3Bi2I9-PPs detectors work stably under high working bias field up to 2000 V cm−1 after sensing an integrated dose >320 Gyair with continuous X-ray radiation, demonstrating its competitive advantage in practical application. These findings provide an approach to explore a new generation of low LoD, stable and green X-ray detectors based on MA3Bi2I9-PPs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2001981
JournalAdvanced Materials
Issue number31
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2020


  • X-ray detectors
  • detection limit
  • lead-free perovskites
  • polycrystalline pellets
  • stability


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