Production rate enhancement of size-tunable silicon nanoparticles by temporally shaping femtosecond laser pulses in ethanol

Xin Li, Guangming Zhang, Lan Jiang, Xuesong Shi, Kaihu Zhang, Wenlong Rong, Ji'an Duan, Yongfeng Lu

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10 Citations (Scopus)


This paper proposes an efficient approach for production-rate enhancement and size reduction of silicon nanoparticles produced by femtosecond (fs) double-pulse ablation of silicon in ethanol. Compared with a single pulse, the production rate is ∼2.6 times higher and the mean size of the NPs is reduced by ∼1/5 with a delay of 2 ps. The abnormal enhancement in the production rate is obtained at pulse delays Δt > 200 fs. The production-rate enhancement is mainly attributed to high photon absorption efficiency. It is caused by an increase in localized transient electron density, which results from the first sub-pulse ionization of ethanol molecules before the second sub-pulse arrives. The phase-change mechanism at a critical point might reduce nanoparticle size.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4226-4232
Number of pages7
JournalOptics Express
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 23 Feb 2015


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