Pressure-induced room temperature electrocaloric effect in BiFeO3-PbTiO3 solid solution based on Landau-Devonshire theory

Keng Wang, Xiaoming Shi*, Rongzhen Gao, Jing Wang, Jiwen Xu, Xingwang Cheng, Houbing Huang

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7 Citations (Scopus)


The electrocaloric effect cooling is a promising next-generation cooling technology due to its high energy efficiency. In this work, the phase diagrams of BiFeO3-PbTiO3 solid solution have been investigated via Landau-Devonshire theory. Here, in the vicinity of morphotropic phase boundary, a relatively low electric field of 5 MV/m induces a giant electrocaloric temperature change (ΔT = 23.56 K) in a 0.81BiFeO3-0.19PbTiO3 solid solution at 630 K. It is found that the range of temperature change of ECE is broader with the increase of BiFeO3 mole fraction. In addition, a broader ECE working temperature range can be obtained near the MPB region by applying hydrostatic pressure of 1 GPa. These results suggest that this system is a potential candidate for practical electrocaloric materials.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103396
JournalMaterials Today Communications
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022


  • BiFeO-PbTiO
  • Electrocaloric effect
  • Landau-Devonshire theory
  • Solid solution


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