Photometric stereo-based depth map reconstruction for monocular capsule endoscopy

Yang Hao, Jing Li, Fei Meng*, Peisen Zhang, Gastone Ciuti, Paolo Dario, Qiang Huang

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7 Citations (Scopus)


The capsule endoscopy robot can only use monocular vision due to the dimensional limit. To improve the depth perception of the monocular capsule endoscopy robot, this paper proposes a photometric stereo-based depth map reconstruction method. First, based on the characteristics of the capsule endoscopy robot system, a photometric stereo framework is established. Then, by combining the specular property and Lambertian property of the object surface, the depth of the specular highlight point is estimated, and the depth map of the whole object surface is reconstructed by a forward upwind scheme. To evaluate the precision of the depth estimation of the specular highlight region and the depth map reconstruction of the object surface, simulations and experiments are implemented with synthetic images and pig colon tissue, respectively. The results of the simulations and experiments show that the proposed method provides good precision for depth map reconstruction in monocular capsule endoscopy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5403
Pages (from-to)1-20
Number of pages20
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 2 Sept 2020


  • Depth map reconstruction
  • Monocular capsule endoscopy
  • Non-ideal Lambertian surface
  • Photometric stereo
  • Specular highlight


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