Optimization of flexible multilayered metastructure fabricated by dielectric-magnetic nano lossy composites with broadband microwave absorption

Yixing Huang, Qunfu Fan, Jin Chen, Li Li, Mingji Chen*, Liqun Tang, Daining Fang

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54 Citations (Scopus)


Radar absorbers are widely used in military and civil engineering, but it is difficult to maintain broadband absorption and small thickness at the same time. In this paper, an effective design methodology to optimize multilayered metastructure (MM) fabricated by dielectric-magnetic nano lossy composites and patterned resistive films (PRF) is proposed and investigated. The theoretical normal incident reflectivity of MM is derived and embedded in the Large Mutation Genetic Algorithms (LMGA) with efficient optimization modules. The Bidirectional Optimization (BiO) method is proposed and used in the optimization software package to enhance calculation efficiency and global convergence. The optimized theoretical, simulated and experimental reflectivity of MM indicates effective microwave absorption. The fabricated MM covers −10dB bandwidth of 5.74–18 GHz with maximum absorption of −49 dB at 16.2 GHz. The flexible MM can adhere curved metallic surfaces conformally against microwave detection.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108066
JournalComposites Science and Technology
Publication statusPublished - 3 May 2020


  • Broadband microwave absorption
  • Dielectric-magnetic lossy composite
  • Large mutation genetic algorithms
  • Multilayered metastructure
  • Optimal design


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