On the dynamic failure mechanism of Vit-1 bulk metallic glass: Coupling effects of pre-made damage and strain rate

Yang Han, Zejian Xu*, P. J. Tan, Mengyu Su, Jianfei Li, Fenglei Huang

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To clarify the two distinct effects and the underlying physical mechanisms of pre-made damage on the failure strength of bulk metallic glass (BMG), i.e. strengthening or weakening, the influence of axial pre-compression on the dynamic failure of Vit-1 BMG are investigated experimentally. Quasi-static and dynamic compression tests were conducted on pre-compressed BMG specimens for a wide range of nominal strain rates between 0.001 s−1 to 6000 s−1. The focus is on the coupled effects of pre-compression and strain rate on the dynamic failure stress. Two contrasting mechanisms were identified that influence how the pre-made shear bands affect the propagation of cracks under different strain rates. It will be shown that the dynamic failure stress exhibits a transition from strengthening to knockdown with increasing strain rate; and, that the extent of these strengthening and knockdown effects depends on the pre-compression strain level. Finally, a failure model that captures the effects of both strain rate and pre-made damage is proposed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number147522
JournalMaterials Science and Engineering: A
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2025


  • Compression failure stress
  • Failure model
  • High strain rate
  • Metallic glass
  • Pre-made damage


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Han, Y., Xu, Z., Tan, P. J., Su, M., Li, J., & Huang, F. (2025). On the dynamic failure mechanism of Vit-1 bulk metallic glass: Coupling effects of pre-made damage and strain rate. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 919, Article 147522. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2024.147522