No observation of chiral flux current in the topological kagome metal CsV3 Sb5

Huazhou Li, Siyuan Wan, Han Li, Qing Li, Qiangqiang Gu, Huan Yang, Yongkai Li, Zhiwei Wang, Yugui Yao, Hai Hu Wen

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47 Citations (Scopus)


Compounds with kagome lattice usually host many exotic quantum states, including the quantum spin liquid, non-trivial topological Dirac bands and a strongly renormalized flat band, etc. Recently an interesting vanadium based kagome family AV3Sb5 (A=K,Rb,orCs) was discovered, and these materials exhibit multiple interesting properties, including unconventional saddle-point driving charge density wave (CDW) state, superconductivity, etc. Furthermore, some experiments show the anomalous Hall effect which inspires us to believe that there might be some chiral flux current states. Here we report scanning tunneling measurements by using spin-polarized tips. Although we have observed clearly the 2a0×2a0 CDW and 4a0 stripe orders, the well-designed experiments with refined spin-polarized tips do not reveal any trace of the chiral flux current phase in CsV3Sb5 within the limits of experimental accuracy. No observation of the local magnetic moment in our experiments may put an upper bound constraint on the magnitude of magnetic moments induced by the possible chiral loop current which has a time-reversal symmetry breaking along c axis in CsV3Sb5.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberA72
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jan 2022


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