MS-HLMO: Multiscale Histogram of Local Main Orientation for Remote Sensing Image Registration

Chenzhong Gao, Wei Li*, Ran Tao, Qian Du

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34 Citations (Scopus)


Multisource image registration is challenging due to intensity, rotation, and scale differences among the images. Considering the characteristics and differences in multisource remote sensing images, a feature-based registration algorithm named multiscale histogram of local main orientation (MS-HLMO) is proposed. Harris corner detection is first adopted to generate feature points. The HLMO feature of each Harris feature point is extracted on a partial main orientation map (PMOM) with a generalized gradient location and orientation histogram-like (GGLOH) feature descriptor, which provides high intensity, rotation, and scale invariance. The feature points are matched through a multiscale matching strategy. Comprehensive experiments on 17 multisource remote sensing scenes demonstrate that the proposed MS-HLMO and its simplified version MS-HLMO+ outperform other competitive registration algorithms in terms of effectiveness and generalization.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5626714
JournalIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Histogram of local main orientation (HLMO)
  • image registration
  • multimodal
  • multiscale
  • multisource
  • remote sensing


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