Microfluidic Biosensor for Rapid Nucleic Acid Quantitation Based on Hyperspectral Interferometric Amplicon-Complex Analysis

Rongxin Fu, Wenli Du, Xiangyu Jin, Ruliang Wang, Xue Lin, Ya Su, Han Yang, Xiaohui Shan, Wenqi Lv, Zhi Zheng*, Guoliang Huang*

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17 Citations (Scopus)


Nucleic acid detection plays a vital role in both biomedical research and clinical medicine. The temperature circulation changes of the widely used polymerase chain reaction technique are time-consuming and technically challenging for system development. Recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) is an isothermal method for rapid nucleic acid detection. However, current RPA amplicon detection methods are complicated and expensive and easily generate false positives, restricting the promotion of RPA techniques. In this work, a hyperspectral interferometric amplicon-complex quantitation method is presented, combined with asymmetric dipole complex strategy optical scattering analysis. GelRed dye was utilized to form amplicon-complex particles, and the Fourier domain spectrum computation contributed to complex scattering quantitation. With this method, a supporting microfluidic chip and automatic system were developed to achieve integrated, rapid, quantitative, and miniscule nucleic acid detection. The Plasmodium falciparum dhfr gene was utilized as an example for targeted nucleic acid quantitation and single nucleotide polymorphism detection. The total reaction time was decreased to merely 20 min, and the limit of detection was only 3.17 ng/μL. The minimum measurable concentration of target was 1.68 copies/μL, 31.67 times more sensitive than turbidity detection, and the single reaction chamber was only 9.33 μL. No scattering increase occurred for template-free control, and thus, false positives caused by primer dimers and nonspecific products could be avoided. The experimental results prove that the provided method and system can detect single-base mutations in the dhfr gene and is a reasonable technique for rapid, automatic, and low-cost nucleic acid detection.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4057-4066
Number of pages10
JournalACS Sensors
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 26 Nov 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • hyperspectral interferometry
  • malaria detection
  • microfluidic biosensor
  • optical scattering analysis
  • recombinase polymerase amplification


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Fu, R., Du, W., Jin, X., Wang, R., Lin, X., Su, Y., Yang, H., Shan, X., Lv, W., Zheng, Z., & Huang, G. (2021). Microfluidic Biosensor for Rapid Nucleic Acid Quantitation Based on Hyperspectral Interferometric Amplicon-Complex Analysis. ACS Sensors, 6(11), 4057-4066. https://doi.org/10.1021/acssensors.1c01491