Lipid droplets imaging with three-photon microscopy

Mubin He, Hojeong Park, Guangle Niu, Qiming Xia, Hequn Zhang, Ben Zhong Tang*, Jun Qian*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Lipid droplets (LDs) participate in many physiological processes, the abnormality of which will cause chronic diseases and pathologies such as diabetes and obesity. It is crucial to monitor the distribution of LDs at high spatial resolution and large depth. Herein, we carried three-photon imaging of LDs in fat liver. Owing to the large three-photon absorption cross-section of the luminogen named NAP-CF3 (1.67×10-79cm6 s2), three-photon fluorescence fat liver imaging reached the largest depth of 80μm. Fat liver diagnosis was successfully carried out with excellent performance, providing great potential for LDs-associated pathologies research.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2250033
JournalJournal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Lipid droplets
  • deep-tissue imaging
  • fat liver
  • three-photon fluorescence microscopy


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He, M., Park, H., Niu, G., Xia, Q., Zhang, H., Tang, B. Z., & Qian, J. (2023). Lipid droplets imaging with three-photon microscopy. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 16(4), Article 2250033.