Investigation of Bilateral Skeletonization Technique in Fast Computation of Receiving Radiation Pattern for Radome-Enclosed Antenna Arrays

Pengyuan Wang, Haiwen Ke, Wenjie Zhang, Tao Zhang, Mang He*

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This letter presents a new method called VSIE-MSI-BiST to calculate the receiving radiation pattern (RRP) of the radome-enclosed antenna arrays (REAs). In the framework of the hybrid volume-surface integral equation-modified surface integration method (VSIE-MSI), the interpolative decomposition-based bilateral skeletonization technique (BiST) is conducted on a virtually constructed right-hand matrix to figure out the skeleton plane wave excitations with high accuracy. For the REA system of medium/large size, the method significantly reduces the number of the right-hand sides of the VSIE-MSI matrix equation and improves the computational efficiency by one to two orders of magnitude as compared with the existing approaches. The skeleton angles of incidence are also found independent of the polarization of the plane wave excitation, which means that the BiST needs to be done only once for the calculation of various polarization components of the RRP. Numerical examples validate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)733-737
Number of pages5
JournalIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2024


  • Bilateral skeletonization
  • hybrid method
  • interpolative decomposition
  • radome-enclosed antenna array
  • receiving radiation pattern


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