Intervalley coupling by quantum dot confinement potentials in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides

Gui Bin Liu*, Hongliang Pang, Yugui Yao, Wang Yao

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68 Citations (Scopus)


Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) offer new opportunities for realizing quantum dots (QDs) in the ultimate two-dimensional (2D) limit. Given the rich control possibilities of electron valley pseudospin discovered in the monolayers, this quantum degree of freedom can be a promising carrier of information for potential quantum spintronics exploiting single electrons in TMD QDs. An outstanding issue is to identify the degree of valley hybridization, due to the QD confinement, which may significantly change the valley physics in QDs from its form in the 2D bulk. Here we perform a systematic study of the intervalley coupling by QD confinement potentials on extended TMD monolayers. We find that the intervalley coupling in such geometry is generically weak due to the vanishing amplitude of the electron wavefunction at the QD boundary, and hence valley hybridization will be well quenched by the much stronger spin-valley coupling in monolayer TMDs and the QDs can well inherit the valley physics of the 2D bulk. We also discover sensitive dependence of intervalley coupling strength on the central position and the lateral length scales of the confinement potentials, which may possibly allow tuning of intervalley coupling by external controls.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105011
JournalNew Journal of Physics
Publication statusPublished - 20 Oct 2014


  • envelope function
  • intervalley coupling
  • quantum dot
  • tight binding
  • transition metal dichalcogenides


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