Influence of backing plate support conditions on armor ceramic protection efficiency

Bowen Zhang, Yangwei Wang*, Shaofeng Du, Zhikun Yang*, Huanwu Cheng, Qunbo Fan

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12 Citations (Scopus)


The bilayer composite ceramic armor is widely used in the world, while the protection efficiency of the armor ceramic in it still confuses researchers. This study applied a numerical simulation method to produce a general equation that describes the relationship between the protection efficiency of the armor ceramic and the supporting conditions of the backing plate, thereby enhancing the current understanding of the composite ceramic armor. The results indicated that the protection efficiency of the armor ceramic can be divided into three parts: (1) the basic protection efficiency, (2) the increment efficiency caused by inertial support, and (3) the increment efficiency caused by mechanical support. The inertial support is related to the density and thickness of the backing plate, and the mechanical support is related to the elastic modulus and yield strength of the backing plate materials. The inertial support exhibited a positive correlation with the protection efficiency of the armor ceramic before it reached the Scr; after that, the protection efficiency of the armor ceramic would remain stable. In addition, the mechanical support showed a linear, positive correlation with the backing plate stress at ε0.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3427
Pages (from-to)1-15
Number of pages15
Issue number15
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2020


  • Armor ceramic protection efficiency
  • Armor structure design
  • Composite ceramic armor


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Zhang, B., Wang, Y., Du, S., Yang, Z., Cheng, H., & Fan, Q. (2020). Influence of backing plate support conditions on armor ceramic protection efficiency. Materials, 13(15), 1-15. Article 3427.