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Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Professor of Beijing Institute of Technology, doctoral supervisor, New century outstanding talents of Ministry of Education, senior visiting scholar of German DAAD, Director of Simulation and Material Design Branch of National Key Laboratory of Impact Environmental Materials Technology. He has been engaged in titanium alloy material design and engineering preparation, ceramic metal composite material design, thermal spraying process simulation and coating material design for a long time. He presided over a number of projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation, the Foundation Strengthening project of the Science and Technology Commission of the Military Commission, the National Defense 973 special topic, and the pre-research project of the Ministry of Equipment Development, and the research results were applied in a number of key parts of equipment. He won the second prize of national technology invention, the second prize of national defense science and technology invention, and won the national defense science and technology innovation Team award as a backbone member. He has published more than 100 papers in important journals at home and abroad, one book, more than 20 authorized patents, and 8 software Copyrights. Invited to work as A reviewer for top international journals such as Materials Science and Engineering A, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Applied Mathematical Modelling, etc.

Research Interests

Titanium alloy Materials, Simulation and Material Design


1994.09-1998.07 School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, Bachelor Degree
1998.09-2001.03 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master 2001.04-2004.03 School of Materials, Beijing Institute of Technology, PhD candidate

Professional Experience

2018.08- Currently Professor and doctoral Supervisor of Beijing Institute of Technology
2011.09-2018.07 Associate Professor, PhD Supervisor, Beijing Institute of Technology
2010.03-2010.05 DAAD Senior Visiting Scholar, Juelich Research Center, Germany
2008.07-2011.08 Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology
2004.04-2008.06 Lecturer, Beijing Institute of Technology

Research Achievement

[1]Duoduo Wang, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Xingwang Cheng et al. Texture evolution and slip mode of a Ti-5.5Mo-7.2Al-4.5Zr-2.6Sn-2.1Cr dual-phase alloy during cold rolling based on multiscale crystal plasticity finite element model. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2022(111):76-87
[2] Xinjie Zhu, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Yan Qian, Duoduo Wang et al. The microstructure evolution history and the underlying mechanism of an α-β dual phase titanium alloy during elastic-plastic deformation process, Materials Science & Engineering A. 2021 (828): 142106
[3]. Xinjie Zhu, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Duoduo Wang,Deformation mechanism of fine structure and its quantitative relationship with quasi-static mechanical properties in near β-type Ti-4.5Mo-5.1Al-1.8Zr-1.1Sn-2.5Cr-2.9Zn alloy. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2021,31(5): 742-748
[4]Xinjie Zhu, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Duoduo Wang , Haichao Gong et al.,A new dynamic recrystallization mechanism in adiabatic shear band of an α-β dual phase titanium alloy Composition redistribution. scripta Materialia. 2022(206): 114229
[5] Pengru Li, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Xinjie Zhu, Haichao Gong. Study of high-speed-impact-induced conoidal fracture of Ti alloy layer in composite armor plate composed of Ti- and Al-alloy layers. Defence Technology.2021( 17): 1434-1443
[6] Xinjie Zhu, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Haichao Gong et al. Achieving super-high strength and acceptable plasticity for a near β-type Ti-4.5Mo-5.1Al-1.8Zr-1.1Sn-2.5Cr-2.9Zn alloy through manipulating hierarchical microstructure. Materials Science & Engineering A. 2021(825): 141907
[7]Le Wang, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Xianping Wang, Jiahao Yao et al. Effect of He content on the evolution of He bubbles and He thermal desorption behaviors in FeCr based nanocrystalline film. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2021,555: 153136
[8] Le Wang, Hao Ma, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者),Jiahao Yao et al. Simultaneously enhancing strength and ductility of Ti-6Al-4V alloy with the hierarchical structure via a novel thermal annealing treatment. Materials Characterization. 2021,176: 111112
[9] Le Wang, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Xinjie Zhu. Duoduo Wang, Kai Chen. Effect of tungsten micro-scale dispersed particles on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti–6Al–4V alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021,851:156847
[10] Duoduo Wang, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Haichao Gong, Xinjie Zhu. Effect of trace carbon on the dynamic compressive properties in the as-cast Ti13V11Cr3Al alloy. Intermetallics. 2020,123:106818
[11]Duoduo Wang, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Ran Shi, et al. In-situ investigation via high energy X-ray diffraction of stress-induced(0002)α→(110)β transformation in a Ti-5.5Mo-7.2Al-4.5Zr-2.6Sn-2.1Cr alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2020. 779: 139154
[12] Yu Zhou, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Xin Liu, Duoduo Wang, Xinjie Zhu, Kai Chen. Multi-scale crystal plasticity finite element simulations of the microstructural evolution and formation mechanism of adiabatic shear bands in dual-phase Ti20C alloy under complex dynamic loading. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2020. 59:138-148
[13] Le Wang, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Ting Hao, Duoduo Wang et al. Effect of He content on microstructure, mechanical properties and He thermal desorption behavior of W film fabricated by RF magnetron sputtering. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2020. 534:152151
[14] Pengru Li, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Xinjie Zhu, Haichao Gong. Study of high-speed-impact-induced conoidal fracture of Ti alloy layer in composite armor plate composed of Ti- and Al-alloy layers. Defence Technology(In press)
[15] Hong Yu. Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Xinjie Zhu. Effect of layer sequence on the ballistic performance and failure mechanism of Ti6Al4V/CP-Ti laminated composite armor. Materials.2020, 13, 3886
[16] 朱新杰,范群波(通讯作者),余洪,王朵朵.Ti-4.5Mo-5.1Al-1.8Zr-1.1Sn-2.5Cr-2.9Zn钛合金的动态力学性能及失效研究,稀有金属材料与工程, 2020, V49, 1235-1241
[17] 范群波,李鹏茹,周豫,刘昕. 圆筒型陶瓷-钛合金-芳纶三单元层复合靶板结构抗弹性能数值模拟及其内在机理,北京理工大学学报,2020 40,2: 219-226
[18] Xinjie Zhu, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Duoduo Wang et al. The Microstructural Difference and Its Influence on the Ballistic Impact Behavior of a Near β-Type Ti5.1Al2.5Cr0.5Fe4.5Mo1.1Sn1.8Zr2.9Zn Titanium Alloy. Materials. 2020,4006
[19] Yan Qian, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Xin Liu, Duoduo Wang, Yu Zhou. Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method for Slip Systems Evolution Analysis of α/β Duplex Titanium Alloys during Quasi-Static Tensile Testing,2020,10,7782
[20]Yu Zhou. Qunbo Fan(通讯作者). Xin Liu. Duoduo Wang. Xinjie Zhu. Experimental study and crystal plasticity finite element simulations of nano-indentation-induced lattice rotation and the underlying mechanism in TC6 single α grain. Materials and Design. 188(2020): 108423
[21] Xin Liu, Yan Qian, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Yu Zhou, Xinjie Zhu, Duoduo Wang. Plastic deformation mode and α/β slip transfer of Ti–5Al-2.5Cr-0.5Fe-4.5Mo–1Sn–2Zr–3Zn titanium alloy at room temperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 826(2020):154209
[22]. Haichao Gong, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Yu Zhou, Duoduo Wang etc. Simulation of failure processes of as-cast Ti-5Al-5Nb-1Mo-1V-1Fe titanium alloy subjected to quasi-static uniaxial tensile testing. Materials and Design. 180(2019):107962
[23].Xin Liu, Yu Zhou, Xinjie Zhu, Duoduo Wang, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者). The failure mechanism at adiabatic shear bands of titanium alloy: High-precision survey using precession electron diffraction and geometrically necessary dislocation density calculation. Materials Science & Engineering A. 746 (2019): 322-331
[24].Huiliang Yang, Duoduo Wang, Xinjie Zhu, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者). Dynamic compression-induced twins and martensite and their combined effects on the adiabatic shear behavior in a Ti-8.5Cr-1.5Sn alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 759(2019): 203-209
[25].Xin Liu, Guang Feng, Yu Zhou, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Macrosegregation and the Underlying Mechanism in Ti-6.5Al-1.0Cr-0.5Fe-6.0Mo-3.0Sn-4.0Zr Alloy, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International,29( 2019):224-230
[26]. Ran Shi, Zhihua Nie, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Fuchi Wang, Yu Zhou, Xin Liu. Correlation between dislocation-density-based strain hardening and microstructural evolution in dual phase TC6 titanium alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A 2018 715:101-107
[27].Guoju Li, Ran Shi, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Yumeng Xia, Hongmei Zhang. Three-dimensional microstructure-based micromechanical modeling for TC6 titanium alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A 685(2017)327-331
[28].Ran Shi, Guoju Li, Yumeng Xia. Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Fuchi Wang, Hongmei Zhang. Microstructural characterization of an α+β type Ti-5.5Mo-7.2Al-4.5Zr-2.6Sn-2.1Cr alloy during recrystallization annealing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017, 705:183-187
[29].Yu Zhou, Guoju Li, Qunbo Fan(通讯作者), Yangwei Wang, Haiyang Zheng, Lin Tan, Xuan Xu. Study on Protection Mechanism of 30CrMnMo-UHMWPE Composite Armor. Materials 2017, 10(4), 405
[30].李国举,范群波(通讯作者),王扬卫,史然. SiC-Al 双连通复合装甲材料抗侵彻性能宏–微观跨尺度模拟.无机材料学报. 2017,32(4):425-430

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 14 - Life Below Water


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