Hopf bifurcation of an oscillator with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities and with delayed velocity feedback

Huailei Wang, Zaihua Wang, Haiyan Hu*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


This paper studies the local dynamics of an SDOF system with quadratic and cubic stiffness terms, and with linear delayed velocity feedback. The analysis indicates that for a sufficiently large velocity feedback gain, the equilibrium of the system may undergo a number of stability switches with an increase of time delay, and then becomes unstable forever. At each critical value of time delay for which the system changes its stability, a generic Hopf bifurcation occurs and a periodic motion emerges in a one-sided neighbourhood of the critical time delay. The method of Fredholm alternative is applied to determine the bifurcating periodic motions and their stability. It stresses on the effect of the system parameters on the stable regions and the amplitudes of the bifurcating periodic solutions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)426-434
Number of pages9
JournalActa Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2004
Externally publishedYes


  • Delay differential equation
  • Fredholm alternative
  • Stability switches
  • Supercritical Hopf bifurcation


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