High-precision dynamic torque control of high stiffness actuator for humanoids

Yaliang Liu, Xuechao Chen*, Zhangguo Yu, Han Yu, Libo Meng, Hiroshi Yokoi

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


The high stiffness actuator (HSA), applied to each joint of an electrical driven humanoid robot, can directly affect the motion performance of the torque-controlled humanoid robots. For high control performance of HSA, a high-precision dynamic torque control (HDTC) is proposed. The HDTC consists of two phases: (1) A novel dynamic current control is used to linearize high stiffness actuator torque control system, which can estimate and compensate the nonlinear coupling parts; (2) An enhanced internal model control is designed to ensure high tracking accuracy in the system containing noisy torque signal and even numerical differentiation signals. Benefitting from dynamic current control and the enhanced internal model control, the proposed HDTC is accurate and adaptable. Finally, the superiority of the HDTC is verified with comparative experiments.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)401-413
Number of pages13
JournalISA Transactions
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023


  • Dynamic current control (DCC)
  • High stiffness actuator (HSA)
  • Humanoid robot
  • Internal model control (IMC)
  • Torque control


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