Extracellular biosynthesis of high-purity γ-MnS by the sulfate-reducing bacterium anaerofilum sp. through selective precipitation of a Mn2+-eriochrome black t chelate complex

Yongtao Zhang, Xin Liu, Baoping Xin*, Shi Chen, Qifei Huang

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


Biosynthesis of MnS has received increasing attention due to its potential applications in a p-type semiconductor and optoelectronic devices. However, the concentration of PO43− and OH in media has to be seriously controlled with bioreduction of SO42− into S2− being performed by resting cells in pure solutions of MnSO4 because both PO43− and OH adversely affect the biosynthesis process, resulting in a very low yield of MnS. In this work, selective precipitation is first applied for biosynthesis of γ-MnS based on the steric-hindrance effect of a metal complex of Mn2+ and eriochrome black T (EBT) at high concentrations of PO43− and OH. The results show that Mn2+-EBT was capable of eliminating the reaction between PO43−/OH and Mn2+, leading to selective precipitation between biogenic S2− and Mn2+ for biosynthesis of γ-MnS. The dominant form of prepared γ-MnS was a tetrakaidecahedron prismoid-like crystal with an upper width of ca. 1.0 μm, a bottom width of ca. 4.0 μm and a height of ca. 4.0 μm, having an evident absorption peak at 320 nm, a coercivity of 37.404 Oe and a retentivity of 2.695 × 10−3 emu·g−1. The γ-MnS exhibited optical and magnetic activity, suggesting a wide application potential.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)194-198
Number of pages5
JournalGeomicrobiology Journal
Issue number3-4
Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2016


  • Biosynthesis
  • nano γ-MnS;Anaerofilumsp
  • selective precipitation
  • steric-hindrance effect


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