Extendible ghost imaging with high reconstruction quality in strong scattering medium

Gao Ziqi, Xuemin Cheng*, Yue Junbai, Qun Hao

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8 Citations (Scopus)


Ghost imaging (GI) possesses significant application prospects in scattering imaging, which is a classic example of underdetermined conversion problem in optical field. However, even under the framework of single-pixel imaging (SPI), a challenge remains unresolved, i.e., structured patterns may be damaged by scattering media in both the emissive and receiving optical paths. In this study, an extendible ghost imaging, a numerical reproduction of the qualitative process using deep learning (DL)-based GI is presented. First, we propose and experimentally verify a brief degradation-guided reconstruction (DR) approach with a neural network to demonstrate the degradation principle of scattering, including realistic dataset simulations and a new training structure in the form of a convolutional neural network (CNN). Then, a novel photon contribution model (PCM) with redundant parameters is proposed to generate intensity sequences from the forward direction through volumetric scattering media; the redundant parameters are constructed and relate to the special output configuration in a lightweight CNN with two branches, based on a reformulated atmospheric scattering model. The proposed scheme recovers the semantics of targets and suppresses the imaging noise in the strong scattering medium, and the obtained results are very satisfactory for applications to scattering media of more practical scenarios and are available for various scattering coefficients and work distances of an imaging prototype. After using DL methods in computational imaging, we conclude that strategies embedded in optics or broader physical factors can result in solutions with better effects for unanalyzable processes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)45759-45775
Number of pages17
JournalOptics Express
Issue number25
Publication statusPublished - 5 Dec 2022


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