Evaluation of fracture toughness and residual stress for both single GYbZ and double layered GYbZ/8YSZ coatings by modified indentation tests

Weiguo Mao, Hongjing Zhang, Zhouqing Zhang, Jiayi Xiong, Huiyu Huang, Yuncheng Wang, Liang Lv, Biao Feng, Junan Pan, Cuiying Dai*, Daining Fang

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23 Citations (Scopus)


Single (Gd0.9Yb0.1)2Zr2O7 (GYbZ) and double layered GYbZ/yttria partially stabilized zirconia coatings were prepared with supersonic plasma sprayed technique. The microstructure and texture of the two coatings were analyzed by scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction. The elastic modulus, hardness, fracture toughness and residual stress of both coating systems were measured in indentation tests. The influence of residual stress on fracture toughness measurements was discussed with different indentation models. It is interesting to find that the absolute value of residual stress on the cross section of the coating becomes smaller, while the corresponding fracture toughness gets larger when the indented point gradually moves to the interface. The present results would be helpful for understanding the design optimization and failure mechanisms of advanced ceramic coatings.

Original languageEnglish
Article number125723
JournalSurface and Coatings Technology
Publication statusPublished - 25 Jun 2020


  • (GdYb)ZrO
  • Fracture toughness
  • Indentation
  • Residual stress
  • Thermal barrier coatings


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Mao, W., Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., Xiong, J., Huang, H., Wang, Y., Lv, L., Feng, B., Pan, J., Dai, C., & Fang, D. (2020). Evaluation of fracture toughness and residual stress for both single GYbZ and double layered GYbZ/8YSZ coatings by modified indentation tests. Surface and Coatings Technology, 392, Article 125723. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.125723