Enhanced domain wall conductivity in photosensitive ferroelectrics Sn2P2S6 with full-visible-spectrum absorption

Jianming Deng, Xing’an Jiang, Yanyu Liu, Wei Zhao, Gang Tang, Yun Li, Sheng Xu, Jinchen Wang, Cheng Zhu, Meixia Wu, Jing Wang, Zishuo Yao, Qi Chen, Xiaolei Wang, Tian Long Xia, Xueyun Wang*, Jiawang Hong*

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5 Citations (Scopus)


Recent optical stimulation suggests a vital non-contact pathway to manipulate both macroscopic and microscopic ferroelectric properties and paves the foundation for optoelectronics devices. However, up to date, most optical-related manipulation of ferroelectric properties is restricted due to their intrinsic bandgap and limited visible light spectrum absorption. Here, we reveal non-oxide Sn2P2S6 single crystal possesses full-visible-spectrum absorption (from 300 to 800 nm) with a unique disproportionation mechanism of photoexcited Sn ions and Urbach tail, which is not contradicting to the intrinsic band gap. Interestingly, we observed the existence of conductive domain walls (c-DW) and the light illumination induced significant enhancement of the domain wall conductivity caused by such disproportionation reaction. In addition, the domains separated by c-DW also exhibited noticeable electrical conductivity difference in the presence of optical illumination owing to the interfacial polarization charge with opposite signs. The result provides a novel opportunity for understanding the electrical conductivity behavior of the domains and domain walls in ferroelectrics with full-visible-spectrum absorption and achieving greatly enhanced performances for optoelectronics.

Translated title of the contribution全可见光吸收的光敏铁电材料Sn2P2S6具有增强的畴壁导电性
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1049-1056
Number of pages8
JournalScience China Materials
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022


  • SnPS
  • conductive domain walls
  • ferroelectricity
  • full-visible-spectrum absorption


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