Effect of austenizing temperature on microstructures and mechanical properties of Cr-W-Ni-alloy steel

Qu Xia*, Wang Ying-Chun, Cheng Xing-Wang, Zhao Shuang-Zan, Li Shu-Kui

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


An investigation was made to determine the effect of austenizing temperature on microstructure and tensile properties of Cr-W-Ni-alloy steel. Correlations of microstructure tensile properties and austenizing temperature parameters were established. Analysis of optical and scanning electron microscope show that there were a lot of coarse spherical undissolved carbides dispersed on the lath martensitic matrix in as-quenched specimens when austenized at 900°C while there were only very little nanometer carbides when austenized at 1000°C and 1100°C. The tensile properties show that austenizing temperature had large effect on the mechanical property of the Cr-W-Ni-alloy steel. Oil quenching after austenized at 1100°C for 26 minutes followed with tempering at 260°C for 3h, Cr-W-Ni-alloy steel obtained best strength and ductility match.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering II
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event2012 International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, ICMMME 2012 - Dalian, China
Duration: 5 Oct 20126 Oct 2012

Publication series

NameApplied Mechanics and Materials
ISSN (Print)1660-9336
ISSN (Electronic)1662-7482


Conference2012 International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, ICMMME 2012


  • Austenizing temperature
  • Cr-W-Ni-alloy steel
  • Heat treatment
  • Microstructure
  • Tensile properties


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Xia, Q., Ying-Chun, W., Xing-Wang, C., Shuang-Zan, Z., & Shu-Kui, L. (2013). Effect of austenizing temperature on microstructures and mechanical properties of Cr-W-Ni-alloy steel. In Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering II (pp. 26-30). (Applied Mechanics and Materials; Vol. 248). https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.248.26