Diffusion-induced stresses of electrode nanomaterials in lithium-ion battery: The effects of surface stress

Feng Hao, Xiang Gao, Daining Fang*

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78 Citations (Scopus)


Nanomaterials offer large reaction surfaces making for high-rate lithium-ion transfer and fewer constraints to avoid fracture. Nevertheless, surface effect arises inevitably due to so high surface-to-volume ratio. Accordingly, the fundamental framework of surface stress is involved to study diffusion-induced stresses within electrode nanoparticles in this work. As simple one-dimension models, solid and hollow nanowire electrode particles are investigated. The results show that surface tensile stress produces compressive stresses through the electrode materials, especially reducing maximum tensile stress, which may become a resistance to brittle fracture. Owing to high special surface area, it is demonstrated that diffusion-induced stresses for hollow materials are largely reduced compared to solid electrode materials. The influences of surface modulus on diffusion-induced stresses are much stronger under generalized plane strain condition in comparison with plane strain condition. Analysis based on the Tresca criterion indicates that shear failure may occur at the inner surface with decreasing radius.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103507
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 2012
Externally publishedYes


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