Complex multiphase organohydrogels with programmable mechanics toward adaptive soft-matter machines

Shuyun Zhuo, Ziguang Zhao, Zhexin Xie, Yufei Hao, Yichao Xu, Tianyi Zhao, Huanjun Li, Elias M. Knubben, Li Wen*, Lei Jiang, Mingjie Liu

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177 Citations (Scopus)


Many biological organisms can tune their mechanical properties to adapt to environments in multistable modes, but the current synthetic materials, with bistable states, have a limited ability to alter mechanical stiffness. Here, we constructed programmable organohydrogels with multistable mechanical states by an on-demand modular assembly of noneutectic phase transition components inside microrganogel inclusions. The resultant multiphase organohydrogel exhibits precisely controllable thermo-induced stepwise switching (i.e., triple, quadruple, and quintuple switching) mechanics and a self-healing property. The organohydrogel was introduced into the design of soft-matter machines, yielding a soft gripper with adaptive grasping through stiffness matching with various objects under pneumatic-thermal hybrid actuation. Meanwhile, a programmable adhesion of octopus-inspired robotic tentacles on a wide range of surface morphologies was realized. These results demonstrated the applicability of these organohydrogels in lifelike soft robotics in unconstructed and human body environments.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbereaax1464
JournalScience advances
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2020


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