Bioinspired Wearable Hydrogel Composite with Sustained Drug-Release for Wound Healing and Naked-Eye Visual Early Warning of Wound Dehiscence

Wenxiang Zheng, Irfan Muhammad, Xiaodong Yin, Jing Fan, Ghulam Murtaza, Niu Zhang, Zihui Meng, Weizhi Wang, Lili Qiu*

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Wound healing is critical to the structural and functional restoration of damaged tissue. However, effective wound closure and healing are always great challenges in regenerative engineering. This study provided bioinspired wearable hydrogel composites with drug-releasing hydrogel and nonclose-packed photonic crystals (NPCs) for wound therapy and naked-eye visual early warning of wound dehiscence. Molecular dynamics models and drug-releasing results illustrated the sustained drug release of ibuprofen, and the mechanical properties of the drug-releasing hydrogel were optimized with 1410% tensile strain by introducing fish collagen; their biocompatibility and adhesion were also improved. The structural color of the NPCs blue-shifted from 630 to 500 nm with 15.0% strain, and the original color was customized with poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) concentration and acrylamide content. Compared with the gauze and the traditional hydrogels, the composite provided a moist environment and an effectively closed wound; the debridement and released drug avoided inflammation, and the rat wound was healed 40.5% on the third day and essentially 100% on the 14th day. The work provided a novel strategy for wound healing and naked-eye visual early warning when a wound deforms, which is expected to promote the synergistic development of clinical treatment and visualized early warning.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)49711-49723
Number of pages13
JournalACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Issue number37
Publication statusPublished - 18 Sept 2024


  • drug-releasing
  • early warning
  • fish collagen
  • photonic crystals
  • wound healing


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Zheng, W., Muhammad, I., Yin, X., Fan, J., Murtaza, G., Zhang, N., Meng, Z., Wang, W., & Qiu, L. (2024). Bioinspired Wearable Hydrogel Composite with Sustained Drug-Release for Wound Healing and Naked-Eye Visual Early Warning of Wound Dehiscence. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 16(37), 49711-49723.