Automatic Bird Sound Source Separation Based On Passive Acoustic Devices in Wild Environment

Jiangjian Xie, Yuwei Shi, Dongming Ni, Manuel Milling, Shuo Liu, Junguo Zhang, Kun Qian, Bjorn W. Schuller

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The Internet of Things (IoT)-based passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) has shown great potential in large-scale remote bird monitoring. However, field recordings often contain overlapping signals, making precise bird information extraction challenging. To solve this challenge, first, the inter-channel spatial feature is chosen as complementary information to the spectral feature to obtain additional spatial correlations between the sources. Then, an end-to-end model named BACPPNet is built based on Deeplabv3plus and enhanced with the polarized self-attention mechanism to estimate the spectral amplitude mask (SMM) for separating bird vocalizations. Finally, the separated bird vocalizations are recovered from SMMs and the spectrogram of mixed audio using the inverse short Fourier transform (ISTFT). We evaluate our proposed method utilizing the generated mixed dataset. Experiments have shown that our method can separate bird vocalizations from mixed audio with RMSE, SDR, SIR, SAR, and STOI values of 2.82, 10.00dB, 29.90 dB, 11.08 dB, and 0.66, respectively, which are better than existing methods. Furthermore, the average classification accuracy of the separated bird vocalizations drops the least. This indicates that our method outperforms other compared separation methods in bird sound separation and preserves the fidelity of the separated sound sources, which might help us better understand wild bird sound recordings.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1
Number of pages1
JournalIEEE Internet of Things Journal
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024


  • Acoustics
  • Bird sound separation
  • Birds
  • Forestry
  • Monitoring
  • Recording
  • Source separation
  • Task analysis
  • multi-channel audio processing
  • polarized self-attention mechanism


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