Artificial Propeller Chirality and Counterintuitive Reversal of Circular Dichroism in Twisted Meta-molecules

Chang Yin Ji, Shanshan Chen, Yu Han, Xing Liu, Juan Liu, Jiafang Li*, Yugui Yao*

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42 Citations (Scopus)


Here we demonstrate an optical propeller chirality in artificially twisted meta-molecules, which is remarkably different from conventional optical helical chirality. Giant circular dichroism (CD) is realized in a single layer of meta-molecule array by utilizing the surface lattice resonances that are formed by the coupling of chiral electric quadrupole modes to the diffractive lattice mode. Due to the special twist of the propeller blades, the periodic meta-molecule array is hybridized by unit cells with two different chiral centers. As a result, the CD response is readily reversed by tailoring the interference phase through engineering the structural blades without inverting the geometric chirality. Importantly, the enhanced CD and its sign reversal are demonstrated in experiments by using a nano-kirigami fabrication technique.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6828-6834
Number of pages7
JournalNano Letters
Issue number16
Publication statusPublished - 25 Aug 2021


  • Chiral Surface Lattice Resonances
  • Circular Dichroism
  • Nano-Kirigami
  • Propeller Chirality


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