A Novel Ultrafast Rechargeable Multi-Ions Battery

Shuai Wang, Shuqiang Jiao*, Donghua Tian, Hao Sen Chen, Handong Jiao, Jiguo Tu, Yingjun Liu, Dai Ning Fang

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113 Citations (Scopus)


Researchers present a novel ‘multi-ions battery’, using graphite as the cathode and Al foil as the anode in a LiPF6+AlF3 EMC-DMC electrolyte, in combination with vinylene carbonate (VC) as a SEI-forming additive. The energy storage in this novel battery is based on the intercalation of complex anions. into the graphite electrode, and the deposition of Li on the surface of the Al electrode to form an AlLix alloy during the charge process. During the discharge process, all ions are released into the electrolyte again.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1606349
JournalAdvanced Materials
Issue number16
Publication statusPublished - 25 Apr 2017


  • energy storage
  • graphite
  • multi-ions batteries


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