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Personal profile

Personal profile

Discipline: Mechanics
Tel: 010-68912054
Address: Department of Mechanics, School of Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology /n Title: Professor
Mail box:
Postcode: 100081

Research Interests

1. Experimental research on mechanical properties characterization and fatigue failure behavior of new materials in the aerospace field (such as nickel-based single crystal alloys, ceramic matrix composites, 3D printed high-strength titanium alloys, etc.) or structural extreme service environments;
2, Based on deep learning metal additive manufacturing process quality online intelligent detection, performance control technology research and equipment development;
3. Research and application of new technologies for experimental mechanical characterization of multi-scale 2D / 3D deformation field, ultra-high temperature 2D / 3D temperature field, solid/liquid surface topography field, dynamic pose of moving objects, residual stress in materials, etc.;
4, based on machine vision, thermal imaging, eddy current and other new non-destructive testing technology research and application in the field of aerospace.


September 2001 - July 2005, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tsinghua University obtained a Doctor's degree in solid mechanics
September 1998 - July 2001, Master's degree in solid Mechanics, Inner Mongolia University of Technology
From September 1994 to July 1998, Bachelor's degree in Mining Engineering, Department of Resources, Hebei University of Technology

Professional Experience

From July 2014 to now, Professor, School of Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology;
July 2011 to now, School of Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology, doctoral supervisor;
From September 2008 to August 2010, Marie Curie Fellow, Non-Destructive Testing Department, Welding Institute (TWI), UK;
July 2008 - June 2014, Associate Professor, School of Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology;
July 2005 - June 2008, Faculty of Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Lecturer

Research Achievement

1, 2008, Marie Curie Fellow, awarded by the European Union;
2, 2008, the Ministry of Education technology invention first prize;
3. Selected as the New Century Outstanding Talents of the Ministry of Education in 2012;
4. Second Prize of Beijing Education and Teaching Achievements in 2012;
5, 2013, 2014, Beijing Institute of Technology excellent master's degree thesis advisor;
6. Second Prize of Natural Science, Ministry of Education, 2015;
7. In 2015, Excellent Master's degree thesis Advisor of Beijing Institute of Technology;
8. In 2019, Excellent doctoral thesis Advisor of Beijing Institute of Technology;
9. Excellent undergraduate thesis advisor of Mechanics major in national universities in 2022.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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